Clay as Sculptural Multiples Ms. Dunn Social Commentary Clay as Sculptural Multiples Ms. Dunn
Social Commentary: The act of rebelling against an individual, or a group of people by rhetorical means. This is most often done with the idea of implementing or promoting change by informing the general populace about a given problem and appealing to people's sense of justice. (wikipedia)
Artists who use social commentary: JASON DeCAIRES TAYLOR
Artists who use Social Commentary: Banksy TED Talk: Shirin Neshat
Requirements Must choose an issue that you feel strongly about Create a stance and/or choose a side that you will be promoting Must choose two different objects that visually represent the message you are trying to send and that you can bring in as a reference (or have photos)
Must create a third sculpture that combines (morphs) the two images: (this third sculpture should stand alone and tell the entire concept) -Your objects need to tell your story. -How will they show your stance on your issue? (you will only have 2 pounds of clay per sculpture to use)
Student Examples
Sketchbook due Monday, April 11th 3 full page drawings of ideas for project to share with class (can be all from one social issue or different issues) 15 points Print and attach 10 reference images related to your social issue 10 points Print and attach background info on social issue you are responding to 10pts
Future assignments (details to come) 1 page Artist/Research Statement due Friday, April 15th (see handout for details) 5-minute Presentation to class on social issue (due in June) Google presentation to support oral discussion (due in June)
Important Dates Final details to follow