Lesson 3 Chapter 10
Range Queries A select query with criteria that matches a of values is called a range query. Range query criteria is specified using the operators. When a range query compares text, order is used to determine which data matches the criteria. range relational alphabetical
Complex Queries A select query with criteria is called a complex query. Complex query criteria is specified using the and logical operators. A complex query with both criteria in the same field requires the operator to be typed. multiple And Or And
Complex Queries Complex queries using Or are created by using the row of the design grid Complex queries can use multiple logical operators to create an . or expression
Using Wildcards in Query Criteria A wildcard is a that matches any one or more characters. The and are two wildcards. The wildcard matches any number of characters or no characters at all. The wildcard matches any one character or no characters at all. Wildcards can be used to specify select query . When wildcards are needed, use the operator to specify criteria. character Asterisk (*) Question mark * ? criteria Like
Using Fields in Query Criteria A select query can specify another in the criteria. Use the format to refer to a field. If the field name is unique to the database, then the table name is needed in the reference. field [Table Name]![Field Name] not
Parameter Query A parameter query retrieves data that matches criteria, called a , typed by the user when the query is run. A parameter query can include any of the from related tables in a database. A parameter query requires a enclosed in in the Criteria box. Running the parameter query displays box with the prompt. parameter fields prompt brackets dialog