Selma Update June 8, 2017
Phase I Intervention Plan Action Updates May 16, 2017 ALSDE staff met with Dr. Ann Roy Moore to discuss the Selma Intervention. May 16, 2017 ALSDE staff and Dr. Ann Roy Moore visited Selma. May 16, 2017 Provided Dr. Moore with a copy of the ALSDE’s findings in the Selma Intervention.
Statement of Work The purpose of consultation with the Selma City School System will be to provide monitoring, coaching, advising, and sharing technical assistance, on an as needed basis. During the first month of support, the consultant will focus on finalizing details and making recommendations to the ALSDE regarding the Selma intervention. A detailed spreadsheet of the ALSDE’s intervention efforts have been provided to the consultant. Throughout this project, it will be extremely important for the consultants to pay attention to details, analyze and define problems and make recommendations, and facilitate client solutions to relevant issues by sharing essential knowledge and experiences. Reports will be provided to the State Department of Education by the consultants.