CAPACITY Progress Meeting 2 KNMI, 7 April 2004 Brian Kerridge Victoria Jay Richard Siddans Barry Latter Jolyon Reburn Remote-Sensing Group Atmospheric Science Division, SSTD Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Content Assessment of Existing and Planned Missions and Networks (WP2200) Outline of Work Packages Approach to the Task
Work Packages WP2210 Co-ordination WP2220 Assessment of ground networks WP2230 Satellite observations WP2240 Conclusions
Ground Networks WP2221 Trace gases WP2222 Aerosol
Satellite Observations WP2231 Nadir-uv/vis/nir WP2232 Passive nadir-sounding of aerosol WP2233 Nadir-mir WP2234 Lidar WP2235 Limb-mm/sub-mm WP2236 Limb-mir WP2237 Limb-uv/vis WP2238 Occultation WP2239 Integrated missions
Approach to Task General Evaluation of current and planned satellite observations of trace gases and aerosol on the basis of existing information No processing of data or new simulations within this study Starting point: findings on planned missions of the ACOR Final Report (April 2001, ESA 13048/98/NL/GD)
Approach to Task 1st Step Review & update this on basis of more recent information (e.g. Odin, Envisat, Terra, Aqua). Update assessments of individual sensors on basis of: Data quality of sensors launched since ACOR FR State-of-the-art simulations for planned sensors performed since ACOR FR Consider requirements in combination Constituents & other geophysical quantitiies Precision, accuracy, vertical resolution, geographical & temporal sampling
Approach to Task 2nd Step Synthesise information on individual sensors to gauge performances of missions Draw findings for each application and identify key requirements which will not be met and so need to be considered in WP3000. Review with User Group at MTR
Approach to Task Presentation of Findings Graphical Tabular
Approach to Task
Approach to Task Meets target Meets threshold Does not meet threshold Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C Error Troposphere UTLS Stratosphere Vertical Resn Horizontal Sampling Temporal Sampling Meets target Meets threshold Does not meet threshold
Approach to Task 8 estimated accuracy / instrument / height range: 2 x temporal sampling 2 x vertical resolution 2 x horizontal resolution Threshold requirement and “best case” quoted for each Actual resolutions will be indicated on plot Colour bars scaled to altitude dependent requirements Each requirement indicated (target on left, threshold on right, linestyle for category A,B,C)