Year 7 Les devoirs Summer 2
Year 7 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term 1 L’Ecole tu aimes? Year 7 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term 1 L’Ecole tu aimes? Vocabulaire CREATE A TYPICAL SCHOOL DAY ROUTINE: What you do before school, at school and after school. What do you know about school in France? Can you compare with your school in UK? Independent Learning. Independent Reading/ Listening and Grammar work on your Kerboodle e-book Memrise App – weekly challenges to help you memorise topical vocabulary. Use language from previous topics: What do you eat before school? What are you teachers like? How would your daily routine be different?
Écrivez! AO4: Write your current timetable in French Homework 3 Écrivez! AO4: Write your current timetable in French lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi 8h40 – 9h30 9h35-10h35 10h35-10h50 récréation 10h55-11h45 11h50-13h50 déjeuner 13h50-14h40 14h45-15h35 Can you write a sentence to say what time your favourite lesson starts?