Unlocking Key Assessments that Promote Curricular Connections October 23, 2018
Session Goal Share the MU process for developing Key Assessments Examine ways to promote cross-course connections Share ideas for analyzing key assessments John
Continuous Improvement How do we ensure that the CAEP review process informs program improvement? Program Review Continuous Improvement State Review CAEP Review John We want to (a) value all of our work and move away from the model of “do this for accreditation and ignore”
Overview Background of our MU Journey for Key Assessments Current Information on our Key Assessments Analyzing Key Assessment Data John
MU Journey Faculty discussions at monthly CAEP/continuous improvement meetings about assessments Have signature assessments in every class, however… Too many assessments! Not connected across programs Reliability issues Maybe just implement in core courses, however… What about methods courses, how are they involved? Too many assessments Not connected to ‘big picture’ across program Reliability and validity issues
The matrix is ginormous! Nureva
The Process is Messy
AHA!!!!!! Create fewer assessments Assessments cut across courses Intertwine content Students see big picture Faculty see big picture
Summer Work, Yay!!!! Three teams identified (one per assessment) Include stakeholders from different core and methods courses Teams commit to four ½ days of summer work Teams create assessments and rubrics related to specific, identified MTS
Current State of Our Key Assessments Sankalp
Key Assessment Structure Sophomore Year Community to Classroom Portfolio Junior Year Lesson Planning Senior Year Assessments Sankalp
Sophomore Year Assessment Sankalp
Junior and Senior Year Assessment
Analyzing Key Assessment Data John
? John
How are you using formative assessment data in your program? http://bit.do/Unlocking-Key-Assessments
Continuous Improvement Cycle Learning Outcomes Alignment with InTASC and Missouri Teacher Standards (MTS) Curriculum and Assessment Goals Improvement Plan Alignment with Program Objectives Collection and Analysis of Evidence Aggregation and Review Assessment Results John Adapted from Univ. of Hawaii-Manoa
Any questions or ideas to share? Would you like to collaborate? Dr. John Lannin, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Mizzou, Lanninj@missouri.edu Sankalp Shivaprakash, Director of Assessment, Mizzou, EduTech@missouri.edu Dr. Laurie Kingsley, Director of Teacher Education LTC, Mizzou, kingsleyl@missouri.edu