Principles of Good Web Design Karin Horn
Principles of Web Design Keep It Simple Content is Critical Speed is Essential Use Consistent Filenames Design Efficiently Cite Sources
K.I.S.S. Principle Maintain simple, consistent page layout Keep backgrounds simple and high contrast to allow easy viewing of content Design the page so that user does not have to scroll from left to right to see the whole page
Content is Critical Users are most interested in the content Learn about your audience, then learn and think about computers, then think again about your audience. Use a simple template to design your webpage.
Speed is Essential It takes about 3 seconds to convince a user not to use the Back button. More speed, less interactivity Follow the “less is more” principle.
Consistent Filenames Use all lowercase No spaces First page is named index.htm All webpage files are stored in the same folder All images are stored in an images folder within the assets folder
Design Efficiently Include images and animation that help communicate the content. Images should be sized before inserting. Do not include identification information with photographs. Use a large, commonly understood navigation scheme. Use meaningful terms for hyperlinks
Cite Sources Properly Classroom Connect
Web Design Resources