Hiking and caves in Prešov Region Ema Kalenská II.B
The High Tatras the highest point in Slovakia Gerlach (2655m n.m) ski centers: Štrbské lake, Skalnaté lake and Tatranská Lomnica popular hiking paths: Ostrva, Rysy and Kriváň mountain lakes: Popradské lake, Štrbské lake and Batizovské lake
National Park Pieniny (PIENAP) location: Slovak-Polish border rafting in 9 km long Dunajec Canyon the highest point Tri Koruny (982 m n.m)
National park Poloniny on Slovak-Polisch-Ukrainisch border several hiking, cycling and education trails first hike in 1839 Zbojský creek
Zlá diera or Zlá džura located near Lipovce 250 bats of 12 spieces beautiful dripstones and little cave lakes
Belianska cave the biggest and only accessible dripstone cave in High Tatras 1896 electrificated 3,5 km long ( 1125 m trail) wall waterfalls (Vysoký dóm)
Thank you for your attention Sources: http://www.sopsr.sk/nppoloniny/sk/turistika.php http://www.ssj.sk/jaskyne/spristupnene/ http://www.juniorjasna.com/sk/okolie/jaskyne/