Organization of the skills lab
New skills lab 12 classrooms Stock room 2 desks Titel van footer 28.02.2019
Classrooms 4 beds, 4 dolls Balk for oxygen and compressed air Tables and chairs Smart TV Need to be reserved Titel van footer 28/02/2019
Specialized classrooms Pediatric/Neonatology Obstetrics ICU and surgery Titel van footer 28/02/2019
Practical skill courses Pre- made boxes Email for extra material Teacher checks the boxes after course Titel van footer 28/02/2019
Order of material Hospital Firms For free Titel van footer 28/02/2019
Students Buy their own bag with material Need to bring and use their own material, if possible Possibility to buy new/extra material Titel van footer 28/02/2019
Coordinator Order material Provide boxes Complete stock Repack material Formatting and maintenance of online tool Organise practical assessment Titel van footer 28/02/2019