Service Update Indicator March 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0325r0 March 2014 Service Update Indicator Date: 2014-03-17 Authors: Stephen McCann, BlackBerry Stephen McCann, Blackberry
Service Update Indicator for TGaq March 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0325r0 March 2014 Abstract Service Update Indicator for TGaq Stephen McCann, BlackBerry Stephen McCann, Blackberry
March 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0325r0 March 2014 Background TGai has defined the CAG – “Common ANQP Group” which allows an AP to advertise the current configuration of its ANQP information. When the ANQP information changes, the CAG number is incremented (or changed) CAG is defined as an IE and can be Tx in the AP’s beacon, or pulled within a new 11ai ANQP-element. Stephen McCann, BlackBerry Stephen McCann, Blackberry
March 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0325r0 March 2014 Extend for Services The CAG is extended to include all “Advertisement Protocols” of which ANQP is only one. CAG is renamed “Common Advertisement Group” to minimize changes from 11ai. Therefore CAG can be re-used as a Service Update Indicator Stephen McCann, BlackBerry Stephen McCann, Blackberry
March 2014 CAG Number element 11ai 11aq Stephen McCann, BlackBerry
Advertisement Protocol IDs March 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0325r0 March 2014 Advertisement Protocol IDs 0 = Access Network Query Protocol (ANQP) 0 1 = MIH Information Service 1 2 = MIH Command and Event Services Capability Discovery 2 3 = Emergency Alert System (EAS) 3 4 = RLQP (i.e. TGaf Registered Location Protocol) 5 = Service Transaction Protocol Stephen McCann, BlackBerry Stephen McCann, Blackberry
Service Update Indicator Behavior March 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0325r0 March 2014 Service Update Indicator Behavior CAG – “Common Advertisement Group” which allows an AP to advertise the current configuration of its Advertisement Protocol information. When the Advertisement Protocol information changes, the CAG number is incremented (or changed) Extends CAG functionality for TGaf RLQP servers. Note: may extend to cover multiple messages, if AP supports more than one Advertisement Server. Stephen McCann, BlackBerry Stephen McCann, Blackberry
CAG Number element: Option 2 March 2014 CAG Number element: Option 2 11ai 11aq Stephen McCann, BlackBerry
CAG Number element: Option 2 March 2014 CAG Number element: Option 2 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry