Amending rail regulation 91/2003


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Presentation transcript:

Amending rail regulation 91/2003 15-16 June 2017

The Regulation 91/2003- revision process The amending process of the regulation 91/2003 started in 2013 followed by 2 years of TF meetings to decide the content Objective of the revision was the simplification of the existing regulation 2016 October was published in OJ the new rail regulation (EU) 2016/2032 amending Regulation (EC) No. 91/2003

Changes foreseen by the new regulation (I) Supressed Annexes: Annex B Annex C (tables C1 and C2) Annex D Annex H Annex I For 2016 these annexes, data is no longer required

Changes foreseen by the new regulation (II) Data for Annexes A and C – for undertakings which have: a. A total volume of goods transport of at least 200 000 000 t-km or at least 500 000 tonnes b. A total volume of passenger transport of at least 100 000 000 passenger-km Below these thresholds sending data for these annexes is optional

Changes foreseen by the new regulation (III) New Annex L containing 2 tables L1 and L2- annual data on goods and passenger transport Deadline – 5 months after end of reference period L1 and 8 months for L2 First reference period 2017, data must be send by May 2018 ( L1) and August 2018 (L2)

Changes foreseen by the new regulation (IV) Table L1→ LESS than 200 000 000 T-KM and less than 500 000 tonnes and not reporting under Annex A Table L2 → LESS than 100 000 000 passenger-km and not reporting under Annex C

Recast A technical recast is launched and new regulation will preserve the content of previous one except the names of annexes No consultation of other institutions or MS is launched and a new no will be attributed to the Reg 2016/2032

Recast II Names of the Annexes will be changed Annex A will became I ( tables I1- I9) C will became II E will became III F will became IV G will became V L will became VI