Agenda Item 3d Ad-hoc Task Group (ATG) Hydromorphology


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda Item 3d Ad-hoc Task Group (ATG) Hydromorphology Meeting of the Strategic Coordination Group 8-9 November 2017

HYMO deliverables within the ECOSTAT Work Programme Ongoing work inter alia on Elaboration of report on hydromorphological assessment methodologies Inter-comparison of "Good Ecological Potential" Ongoing work on elaboration of reports on "Common understanding of using mitigation measures for different uses" Feeding into elaboration of Appendix to CIS Guidance Document No. 4 (main deliverable) (for more details see ECOSTAT Progress Report)

GEP ongoing work: Reports on "Common understanding of using mitigation measures for different uses" Water storage Floods Agricultural drainage Inland navigation Coastal and transitional waters Feeding into elaboration of Appendix to CIS Guidance Document No. 4

Policy oriented HYMO issues ToR Ad-hoc Task Group (ATG) Hydromorphology: ATG Hydromorphology to organise workshops and/or discussions with the SCG in preparations Topic of "significant adverse effects on use, wider environment" as one of the policy related issues Relevant in the context of HMWB designation and ongoing work on Good Ecological Potential Plan to organise workshop on that subject on 22-23 February 2018, Brussels Results planned to feed into elaboration of Appendix to CIS Guidance Document No. 4

Planned workshop on significant adverse effects on use, wider environment Potential issues to be addressed at workshop: What are the main uses leading to HMWB designation? What are the related benefits of these different uses? Why do countries designate as HMWB and for which uses? Why don't countries designate as HMWB and for which uses? How do countries distinguish between "adverse effect on the use" and "significant adverse effect on the use"? Which criteria are used to determine "significant adverse effect on use"? At what scale? How is HMWB designated and GEP determined in case no specific criteria on "significant adverse effect on the use" are in place?

Planned workshop on significant adverse effects on use, wider environment Questions to SCG: Do you see this first draft outline of questions as relevant? Which additional issues do you consider as relevant to be addressed at the workshop? Can you already indicate a commitment for the provision of input at the workshop, e.g. in form of a presentation on a specific issue / approach in your country on the subject? Are there any further issues/ideas which you would like to raise in relation to the planned workshop? Discussions and feedback provided at SCG meeting will help in the preparation of the workshop

Nomination of additional co-lead for the ATG on Hydromorphology Particular support from Sweden for activities of ATG on Hydromorphology (e.g. on report for mitigation measures agricultural drainage) Sweden informed about aiming to ensure continuous support for ongoing activities Flagged interest to nominate Ms. Katarina Vartia from Sweden as additional co-lead for the ATG on Hydromorphology (next to IT, NO and COM)

SCG invited to Take note of the activities on HYMO issues within the ECOSTAT Work Programme (see Agenda Item 3g) Agree to the nomination of Ms. Katarina Vartia from Sweden as an additional co-lead of the ATG on Hydromorphology Discuss ideas and issues to be addressed at the planned policy-related workshop on "Significant adverse effects on use" tentatively scheduled for 22- 23 February 2018