2018-2019 Region VI PEB Vision & Goals Mikala Windham R6PEB Chair
Vision: 1 Mission 6 Ways Stability Sustainment Structure Engagement Transparency Resources Admin Zone (Stability/Sustainment) Membership Zone (Structure) Programs Zone (Engagement) Communication Zone (Transparency) Finance Zone (Resources)
Admin Zone Goals: Parliamentarian Special Projects Committee Update our regional bylaws to reflect our current structure Promote engagement and transparency in our voting and elections processes. Provide resources to senators and chapters to make sure they make an informed decision. Special Projects Committee To get 100+ attendees at GSR
Membership Zone Goals: Chair-Elect Membership Chair NSBE Professional Chapter Roadmap Professionals “Pulse” Committee Membership Chair Reactivate 2 NSBE chapters Implement the “Know NSBE” Initiative
Programs Zone Goals: Professional Development 6 Questions from within the House/the Top of the House Host Professional Content at FRC Collegiate Initiative Chair Host GSR at FRC Offer content on soft-skills and professional etiquette to improve collegiate images Develop re(source) to address imposter syndrome Pre-College Initiative Chair Increase the number of “active” NSBE Jr. Chapters by 8 chapters Host 3 NSBE Jr. STEM events in Targeted Areas – STEMoligy, TORCH Have 2 active NSBE Jr. Chapter in each Zone Create a repository for PCI information that all PCI mentor have access to Have an advisor track/ event at FRC for NSBE Jr. Advisor
Communication Zone Goals: Secretary Increase Region VI presence/interaction through phone, email, and social media correspondences Increase transparency between the PEB and members of Region VI Telecommunications/Public Relations Chair Increase all of the region 6 professional social media account's followings by at least 50% Increase interaction with chapters to provide regional happenings
Finance Zone Goals: Treasurer: Bring in a minimum of $5000 for corporate sponsorship. Properly track regional expenses in order to facilitate budget allocation Train and monitor chapters on 5o1(c)3 compliance. Increase interaction with chapters by providing financial content and resources