تعداد سوالات 14 زمان پاسخگویی 70 دقیقه
53 year old male with shoulder pain سوال 1 Describe the findings? Differetntial diagnosis?
40 year old female with weakness سوال 2 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis? 3) Next appropriate step?
30 year old with flank pain سوال 3 Diagnosis?
35 year old male with abdminal pain سوال 4 1) Findings? 2) Differential diagnosis?
سوال 5 1) Describe the findings 2) Diagnosis?
سوال 6 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis?
سوال 7 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis?
Dysphasia سوال 8 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis?
constipation سوال 9 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis? 3) Diagnosis?
سوال 10 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis? A45-year-old woman presents with a palpable lump that has increased in size over several months سوال 10 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis? 3) Diagnosis?
سوال 11 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis?
باریم انمای شیرخوار 18 ماهه سوال 12 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis? 3) Diagnosis? باریم انمای شیرخوار 18 ماهه
سوال 13 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis?
سوال 14 1) Describe the findings. 2) Differential diagnosis?