Find a video that you would like to share with the rest of the RecLink community . (This video uses the power of emotion to encourage seat belt use.) Right click on the video while it is playing or paused, and select “Copy embed html.”
Decide where in RecLink you would like to place your video. In this case I plan to put the seat belt video from the last slide in the comment thread of the Safety group. Videos can also be placed within blogs, discussion forums (the forum feature or in groups), your personal page, or the static areas at the top of groups (if you have the permission to edit the group). The goal at this stage is to just find a good location for your video.
Click the media button above the text box Click the media button above the text box. This brings up a new text box called “Add Media.” Right click “paste” your embedded code (from the first slide of this “how to” guide) into the Add Media box.
This is what your comment will look like after you click “OK” in the Add Media box in the previous slide. You can also add text to accompany your video. Once you have put your video and any text that you would like into your comment, blog, forum, etc., click “Add Comment.”
And... Ta-da! Your video is ready to watch! Visit the Safety group to see this video, “Embrace Life – always wear your seat belt.” It is quite moving.