Fine literature is an acquired taste! Book Buffet Fine literature is an acquired taste!
Book Tasting Directions There will be a table with at least thirty books on it. Please pick up one book to read for five minutes. During this time, look at the cover, read the blurb about the book, and then begin reading. Mr. Sanders or I will let you know when it has been five minutes. When time is called, please take a few minutes to write down the title and author on your table cloth.
Book Tasting Directions Pick one of the following activities: Reflect on what you have read. Write down a cool quote and react to it. Draw an image from what you have read. After, rate the book on a scale of 1-5 ( 1 worst, 5 best) Once we have sampled six different books, you will then be able to pick one to check out or look around and sample a few more.