MLA Guidelines
The Main Paper You don’t need a cover sheet or a plastic cover. Black ink only. Never turn it in un-typed! Follow this guide and you’ll do fine!
Margins are 1” on ALL sides!
Double space 12 pt font Times New Roman
Put your heading here, NOT in your header! Double-space it!
Make sure you don’t add extra spaces between lines Make sure you don’t add extra spaces between lines! The “double-space” feature will take care of that!
Your last name and page number in the header. Upper-right-hand corner Your last name and page number in the header. Upper-right-hand corner. EACH Page!
Always give a title and center it. Don’t increase its font or bold it Always give a title and center it! Don’t increase its font or bold it. Keep it like your body text.
One space after punctuations!
Works Cited Page will SAVE YOUR LIFE (or another website like it). It’s on its own page, but it is a continuation of the paper.
Margins are 1” on ALL sides!
Double space 12 pt font Times New Roman
Your last name and page number in the header. Upper-right-hand corner Your last name and page number in the header. Upper-right-hand corner. Continue numbering from the last page of your paper! Do NOT restart the numbering!
Always title it Works Cited and center it Always title it Works Cited and center it! Don’t increase its font or bold it! Keep it like your body text.
Use a “hanging indent” for each of your sources Use a “hanging indent” for each of your sources! That means you indent every line AFTER the first line of a source
Make sure you don’t add extra spaces between lines Make sure you don’t add extra spaces between lines! The “double-space” feature will take care of that!
Alphabetize your sources based on the first letter of the first word!