DEBRIDEMENT – Legal & Ethical Implications * 07/16/96 DEBRIDEMENT – Legal & Ethical Implications Professor Donald G. MacLellan Executive Director Health Education & Management Innovations *
COMPETENCY All clinicians are accountable for ensuring they have adequate knowledge and skills to perform the procedure competently Clinicians should be familiar with any restrictions to practice which may affect their ability to perform CSWD - Legislation - Professional standards and conduct codes - Organisational policies and guidelines
Legislation may vary from State to State and Country to Country!
Employer Policy and Procedures Should Specify: How the procedure is done and when the clinician can perform it Educational preparation, competency validation and frequency of validation Scope of supervision required When physician should be notified Patient record keeping requirements
Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia Identifies the fundamental moral commitments of the profession Provides nurses with a basis for professional and self reflection on ethical conduct Acts as a guide to ethical practice Indicates to the community the moral values that nurses can be expected to hold.
Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia Set of expected national standards of conduct for the nursing profession Identifies the minimum requirements for conduct in the profession Informs the community of the standards for professional conduct of nurses in Australia Provides consumer, regulatory, employing and professional bodies with a basis for decisions regarding standards of professional conduct.
Code of Conduct
Continuing Licensure Requirements Practice within your scope Practice competently Practice in accordance with your code of ethics Practice in accordance with your code of professional conduct Practice within a legislative framework.
Avoid Complaints or Litigation Is the documentation adequate? Does the clinician have the training and experience needed to treat wounds? Did the patient understand and consent? Can the clinician justify their treatment? Were the needed/appropriate consultations undertaken? Was the infrastructure in place?
Avoid Complaints or Litigation Is the documentation adequate? Does the clinician have the training and experience needed to treat wounds? Did the patient understand and consent? Can the clinician justify their treatment? Were the needed/appropriate consultations undertaken? Was the infrastructure in place?
Summary Know history of your patient prior to debridement Document all factors that may contribute to complications Educate patient & family/carers Obtain consent Administer most appropriate care Be realistic about outcomes