adaptations Why do birds fly North for the Winter? Why do porcupines have sharp quills? adaptations
2 TYPES OF ADAPTATIONS Behavioral Physical
Behavioral Adaptation Helps an organism survive or reproduce, such as migration. (something they do-action)
Physical Adaptation adaptation characterized by how physical features help animals survive, such as the color of the animal’s fur.
Learned Behaviors A behavior or activity that must be taught. (Cougar mom teaches cub to hunt)
Instinct Natural behaviors animals are born with and need in order to survive in their environment. (baby leatherback turtle makes its way to the ocean without instruction)
Migration When animals travel from one area to another and back each year, often for food or to reproduce. Whales travel to cold water for feeding and warm water for giving birth.
Hibernation An animals long, deep sleep that allows it to survive in the winter. Grizzly bears hibernate up to 71/2 months without eating.
Fright When an animal makes a frightful display such as hissing, showing its teeth, or making noises to frighten away its predator.
Mimicry When an animal looks like another animal to fool its predator.
Protective Resemblance When an animal looks like or moves like something in its environment that is not alive.
Protective Coloration When an animal can change its color to blend in with its environment.
Body Covering When an animal has special body covering to protect it from predators.
Avoidance When an animal does everything possible to stay away from its predators.
Escape When an animal has the ability to get away from predators very quickly.
Chemical Defense When an animal sprays a special chemical to keep predators away.
Symbiosis The relationship between two different organisms: mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. Do we help each other? Does one hurt the other?
Commensalism The symbiotic relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits and the other is unaffected. The jackal follows the tiger. The tiger kills its prey and the jackal feeds on what is left. The jackal is helped, but the tiger is unaffected.
Mutualism The symbiotic relationship between two organisms where both organisms benefit mutually. The remora fish eats bacteria off of the whale. The remora gets food And the whale is cleaned.
Parasitism A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits at the expense of the host organism. Mosquito gets blood from the human and the human then is injected with poison.
Fossil The preserved remains of animals, plants, and other organisms from the past
Playing Dead When an animal pretends to be dead to fool its predators.
Weapon When an animal has special body parts that they can use to defend themselves from predators.