Garrett’s Story about Right and Wrong
I go to______Elementary School. I go to school to learn new information. I already know how to do many things. I can do addition and subtraction. I can read books. I am really smart and have already learned a lot for someone who is 7 years old.
I learn new things at school and at home I learn new things at school and at home. My teachers teach me new things at school. My Mom and Dad teach me new things at home.
Some things I am just learning. I will learn new things all of my life Some things I am just learning. I will learn new things all of my life. My teachers, my Mom, and my Dad help me when I am just learning. When people are learning new things, they sometimes make mistakes. This is okay because they are just learning.
If I am just learning, I may make a mistake. This is okay If I am just learning, I may make a mistake. This is okay. My teachers, my Mom, and my Dad will help me. After I learn some more, I will be able to do it correctly. When I am learning I will get some things right and some things wrong. This is true for everyone. We all make mistakes when we are learning.
Garrett got it right. He knows this. If I already know something, I try to answer correctly. This way my teacher or my parents know I do not need to learn it.
Oh well, I am just learning. When I make a mistake, I can think “Oh well, I am just learning.” It is okay. I can ask my teacher or my parents for help. All people make mistakes. All people need help from teachers, parents, friends, or their children.
Mom, I am upset. I didn’t do something right. That’s okay Garrett. I’ve got an idea for next time Talking nicely about what is bothering me can make me feel better. Sometimes telling another person what is on your mind helps find a solution.
It’s okay to make a mistake. I will try to be calm when I make a mistake. I can try to tell my teachers, my Mom, or my Dad about it. They can help me feel better and figure out what to do.