Multimedia techniques Dr. Osama Mokhtar Hassan Lecturer in Computer sciences department Obour institutes
Lecture 00 Course Overview
Multimedia Course Overview Course information Course Goal Course Syllabus Course Content Course Structure How to Succeed? 0.3 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course information Course profile Course Lecturer Course Teaching Assistant 0.4 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course profile Course name: Multimedia Course NO: CS 6422 Lectures time: Sunday Course webpage: Signup Link: Access Code: ehekd 0.5 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course Lecturer Name: Dr. Osama Mokhtar Hassan Mail: Warning(1): any question or requests must be throw by course webpage only Warning(2): No Facebook, no whatsup, no Tel Office No: B2 Office Hours: Monday : Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course Teaching Assistant Name: Eng. Sayed Mail: Office No: Lab 4, 5 Lab Hours: 0.7 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course goals Multimedia is the combined use of text, graphics, sound, animation, and video. A primary objective of this course is to teach students how to develop multimedia programs. Another objective is to demonstrate how still images, sound, and video can be digitized on the computer. 0.8 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course goals ✪ Upon completion of this course, students should be able to use their programming skills and authoring tools to create their own multimedia projects that allows them to develop an electronic stack of cards that contain buttons, graphics, and text. 0.9 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course Syllabus ✪ This course introduces tools and techniques for creating and handling multimedia content (text, hypertext, voice, audio, animation, images and video). ✪ Algorithms, standards and protocols on which multimedia information and multimedia communications depend are covered. ✪ Maturity in computer science and basic knowledge in digital signal processing are required Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course contents ✪ Hypermedia ✪ Digital image ✪ Digital video ✪ 2-D animation ✪ Digital audio ✪ Multimedia applications development 0.11 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course contents ✪ Fundamental methods of compression / signal encoding ✪ Audiovisual coding standards(JPEG, MPEG) ✪ New video coding standards (Η.264, Η.265) ✪ Content description standard (MPEG-7) ✪ Content-based retrieval in audiovisual libraries 0.12 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Course contents ✪ Video summarization ✪ Internet Multimedia Content Distribution ✪ Multimedia Over Wireless and Mobile Networks ✪ Protocols for Multimedia Communications Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Fundamentals of Multimedia Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew, Jiangchuan Liu (auth.) Springer International Publishin g 2014 English
Multimedia Optional references ✪ Z.-N. Li, M. Drew and J. Liu, Fundamentals of multimedia, Springer, 2nd edition, ✪ Z.-N. Li and M. Drew, Fundamentals of multimedia, Prentice Hall, 1st edition, ✪ N. Chapman and J. Chapman, Digital multimedia, 2nd edition, J. Wiley and sons, ✪ R. Steinmetz and K. Nahrstend, Multimedia systems, Springer- Verlag, ✪ R. Steinmetz and K. Nahrstend, Multimedia applications, Springer-Verlag, Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Optional references ✪ R. Steinmetz and K. Nahrstend, Multimedia fundamentals, Prentice Hall, ✪ R. Packer and K. Jordan, eds, Multimedia : from Wagner to virtual reality, W. W. Norton, ✪ J. D. Gibson, T. Berger, T. Lookabaugh, D. Lindbergh and R. Baker, Digital compression for multimedia: Principles and standards, Morgan Kauffman, Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia How to Succeed? ✪ Tip #1 ✪ Tip #2 ✪ Tip #3 ✪ Tip #4 ✪ Tip # Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Tip #1 ✪ PRACTICE what has learned 0.18 Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Tip # 2 ✪ Bad things happen while learning a new skill. You will probably crash and burn on some programs. Start early; give yourself time for mistakes Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Tip # 3 ✪ Don’t be too ambitious with your course load. You CANNOT slack off in this class, even for a few days Dr. Osama Mokhtar
Multimedia Tip # Dr. Osama Mokhtar Critical Thinking Research Problem Identification and Solving Speaking Writing v Work Ethic v Number Crunching v Physical Performance v Influencing People v Teamwork
Multimedia Tip # Dr. Osama Mokhtar Learn Practice Enjoy
Multimedia 0.23 Dr. Osama Mokhtar