What are we trying to achieve? Vision Shared Values values relating to Self values relating to Family & Others values relating to Local & Global community values relating to the Environment Map of the National Curriculum How do we organise learning? How well are we achieving this? Principles Focus for Learning Islam Identity & Culture Human Rights, Democracy & Justice Holistic Development Personal Excellence Inclusivity Preparation for Life Relevance Knowledge and UnderstandingSkillsValues and Attitudes Key Competencies Key Learning Areas Subjects Ways to Evaluate Impact Accountability Measures National standardsPositive behaviour Contribution to the society Better choices in life Further education and employment Effective Pedagogy Health & PESocial St Creative Arts B. St Islamic Tharbiyah QuranEngDhi F. Lang Dhi. LitEng. Lit Math Marine Science Chemistry Biology Science Physics HistoryGeography Acc T.TourismEconomics How well are we achieving this? The curriculum as an entire planned learning experience is underpinned by a broad set of knowledge, values and attitudes. Practising Islam Understanding & Managing Self Thinking Critically & Creatively Relating to People Using Sustainable Practices Living a Healthy Life Using Technology & the Media Making Meaning Islam & spirituality Language & Communication Mathematics Environment, science & technology Health & Wellbeing Social Sciences Creative Arts Entrepreneurship Measuring learning across all dimensions Using multiple methods Reflecting on learning and creating a continuous improvement cycle Involving the whole school community Using feedback How well are we achieving this? V.E ICT Arabic How do we organise learning? Confident and competent individuals who have a firm belief in Islam, a strong sense of self and national identity Successful individuals who are motivated to explore and create knowledge Responsible and productive contributors to their own family, local community and the global society What are we trying to achieve?
Group Activity Group 1 Observe all other groups tasks and record information about the factors contributing to a favorable learning environment. You may categorize the factors into three categories; Looks like, Feels like, Sounds like. Present this information with a help of a graphic organizer.
Group Activity Group 2 Select 2 volunteers Send them out to cover ones eyes Arrange the given materials Ask them to come in and touch the materials one by one and guess its name Record it in the given sheet.
Group Activity Group 3 Make pairs Choose a time keeper. Each one writes a paragraph for a chosen topic for 2 Min. Spend 1 minute to improve it. Share with your partner and get feedback. One by one share it to the group and get feedback and note the points to be improved
Group Activity Group 4 Develop an poster using the available leaf, flowers from the school yard. It must be an aid to teach shape/size/coloure/ meaning of words like narrow, wide, short, long etc. Present your work to the class and explain its meaning.
Group Activity Group 5 Choose three volunteers in your group. The remaining members have to find an appropriate ways for each of them to complete the following task. Teach each of them how to make a paper folding object in more than one way. Check the differences in their learning style and which is more effective for each individual separately.
Effective Pedagogy
Creating a positive learning environment Looks like Active Busy Purposeful and focused Comfortable On task Light and bright Variety of tasks and activities Feels like Safe Welcoming Comfortable temperature Comfortable furniture Enough light Productive Inclusive Relaxed Sounds like Interactive Has quiet times and places for concentration Productive noise including questioning and discussion On task Busy Laughter