Nicholas Sparks was born on December 31, 1965 in Omaha. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1988 and is one of the more critically-acclaimed.


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Presentation transcript:

Nicholas Sparks was born on December 31, 1965 in Omaha. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1988 and is one of the more critically-acclaimed authors. He wrote the story of A Walk to Remember, His third novel, in the summer of He wrote it in North Carolina, which is the setting of the novel.

The novel was inspired by Sparks'sister, Danielle Sparks Lewis, who died of cancer in June,2000. Although the story is largely fictional, Certain parts were based on real experiences. Sparks said that Walk to Remember was my favorite novel to write.

Main Characters Landon Carter: Son of a rich congressman who lives with his mother, and he is simply a boy who do such kind of things that other parents whisper to their children. Jamie Sullivan: Daughter of Hegbert Sullivan, type of a girl who loves to read Bible, keep it with her all the time, simply to help others, work for the orphans and to work for them in need. she is type of a person who remains happy and cheerful.

BOOK TO MOVIE COMPARISON. 1.THE BOOK: Landon Carter starts it off with an introduction of himself and that he will be telling us how his life changed forever. THE MOVIE: Landon Carter and his friends are initiating a guy when he gets really hurt and Landon gets in trouble with the cops. 2. THE BOOK: As student body president Landon had to go to homecoming, but everyone already had a date except Jamie so Landon asks her as a last resort. Landon helps Jamie at the orphanage where she volunteers frequently, so they can make a special Christmas for the children there. THE MOVIE: It transitions from him and her in the play to them dating very quickly. Jamie can’t date so Landon asks her father for permission.

3.THE BOOK: Jamie was meek with few friends. She was sad when she was picked on. THE MOVIE: She had uncool friends. She wouldn't take being teased. She didn't care what people thought and liked herself. 4.THE BOOK: Landon became school student body President after his father forced him to run. THE MOVIE: He doesn’t. 5. THE BOOK: There is tension between Landon and his father because Landon is not outgoing enough. THE MOVIE: Landon hates his father because he abandoned his family and has a new one.

6. THE BOOK: Landon asks Jamie to a dance because no one else is available. THE MOVIE: Landon and Jamie interact as part of his punishment for his prank. 7. THE BOOK: At the dance Jamie helps Landon after he is threatened by Lew. At the end of the night he admits she was a great date. THE MOVIE: Landon is using Jamie to help him learn his lines for the play and treats her poorly around his friends. As he gets to know her, he starts to like her. 8.THE BOOK: Landon plans to go to college. THE MOVIE: He has no goals past high school.

SIMILARITIES 1. They both share that London asks Jamie to marry him. she looks terrified and says yes. Jamie's father marries them in his church. 2. They both share that at first London didn’t want his friends to know that he meets Jamie 3. They both share how London was surprised by her beauty during the show. 4. They both share how Jamie used to don’t care about the physical appearance. 5. They both share how her father used to hate London at first 6. They both share how London is far from his father. 7. They both share how London needed her help 8. They both share that Jamie tells London not to fall in love with her.

I was surprised on how this novel made me feel the same emotion when I watched its movie. I can still remember this quotation from the book “Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and endure whatever comes.” This has been my favorite line from the novel. That wasn’t a simple quotation, it has a deeper meaning. It gives as an idea on what we need to do with our life. We must know the real purpose why we are living here, in this place. We are not here to focus on ourselves but for us to be part of the others life. To give them happiness, hope, and wisdom is our role in this world.