INTRODUCTION Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.It is a very simple and easy to learn general purpose programming language. Python is the most popular language, because of its advantages like, readability, portability, open source structure etc. It has many libraries including in it, this makes the python way better and different than others. This language is now being top trending and most favourable language in tha market because of modern technologies like Machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science. This technologies uses python programming language for their algorithms. Python is now most growing language in the world of programming universe. Guido Van Rossum
VERSIONS OF PYTHON 1.Python January Python December 31, Python September 5, Python October 16, Python April 17, Python December 21, Python July 29, Python November 30, Python September 19, Python October 1, Python July 3, Python December 3, Python June 27, Python February 20, Python September 29, Python March 16, Python May 30, 2014
APPLICATION OF PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Python is used to develop different applications -
Web scraping- Web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction is data scraping used for extracting data from websites. Testing- Testing different types of Python applications, from commandline apps all the way up to web applications. Web development - We can use python in developing websites. Data analysis- You can analyse data with the help of python programming language.
This are also reliable and most important applications of python
REAL TIME APPLICATIONS OF PYTHON Different internet companies are using Python platform development. Google, YouTube, Reddit etc. are using Python for front end as well as back end development.