2nd th International Language Assessment Conference in Egypt, 2016 Using Rubrics in E-classes to Enhance ESL Teaching and Learning Dr. Rasha Osman Abdel Haliem (HTI) Nashwa Rashed (MUST)
Discuss the following Questions Do you use online classes/platforms in teaching? Do you create classes/groups to give extra curriculum activities? Are these online experiences successful?
Tests Quizzes (that include constructed-response) Reflective assessments peer /groups response, interviews.
Not all learning can be measured through pen and paper tests. Thus the alternative forms of assessment. And for these we need RUBRICS
What is a Rubric? A rubric is a scoring guide that enables the teacher to make reliable judgments about student work and allows students to self- assess.
What is a Rubric? It is an authentic assessment tool used to measure students’ work.
Why do we assess?
Why Rubrics? When a rubric is well-defined, learners know exactly what is expected of them and how they can achieve the top grade.
Goal of a Rubric “The purpose of the rubric is not only to evaluate but also to help students increase their level of performance by outlining a vision of success.” (M. Stein, etc., 2006, Designing Assessment for Mathematics)
We learn differently… so do our students.
Most Widely Used Online Platforms to Create Online Classes
Facebook Skype Dropbox Blogger Pbworks blogs and wikis. Nicenet Google groups. Google websites. Google docs.
Discussion and Sharing Describe rubric use at your institution? – How are rubrics created? – How are they used? – What benefits have you seen? What are some areas of challenge or areas for growth?
Guidelines for Rubric developing Steps in Rubric Development 1.Determine learning outcomes 2.Keep it short and simple (Include items; use brief statements or phrases) 3.Each rubric item should focus on a different skill 4.Focus on how students develop and express their learning 5.Evaluate only measureable criteria 6.Ideally, the entire rubric should fit on one sheet of paper 7.Reevaluate the rubric (Did it work? Was it sufficiently detailed?)
Your goal is to produce a rubric using the online generator RUBISTAR. RUBISTAR is a free online rubric maker for teachers
Terms to use in measuring range/scoring levels Needs Improvement...Satisfactory...Good...Exemplary Beginning...Developing...Accomplished...Exemplary Needs work...Good...Excellent Novice...Apprentice...Proficient...Distinguished Numeric scale ranging from 1 to 5, for example
Creating a Rubric These five steps: 1.Define the purpose and goals of your assignment 2.Choose your rubric type 3.Define the criteria 4.Design the rating scale 5.Write the descriptors for each scale point
Rate the painting below on a scale of 1 (bad) to 4 (great).
Reflection Did the rubric help you confidently rate the painting? Explain. How might the rubric have been helpful to the student artist?
Principles of Assessment in e- classes The e-learning environment creates opportunities for and possibly demands more intensive assessment. That is, while technology adds a level of efficiency to assessment in e-learning environments, it must also compensate for the lack of easy access to personal observation.
Build, Assess, Share, Collaborate. "Use rubrics like never before."
Step by Step Help in Designing a Rubric Build a rubric in minutes using. Rubric can be built from scratch or from exiting rubrics. you can customize rubric components in an intuitive environment. Build
A step-by-step process for designing scoring rubrics for classroom. Step 1: Re-examine the learning objectives to be addressed by the task. This allows you to match your scoring guide with your objectives and actual instruction. Step 2: Identify specific observable attributes that you want to see (as well as those you don’t want to see) your students demonstrate in their product, process, or performance. Specify the characteristics, skills, or behaviors that you will be looking for, as well as common mistakes you do not want to see. Step 3: Brainstorm characteristics that describe each attribute. Identify ways to describe above average, average, and below average performance for each observable attribute identified in Step 2. Step 4a: For holistic rubrics, write thorough narrative descriptions for excellent work and poor work incorporating each attribute into the description. Describe the highest and lowest levels of performance combining the descriptors for all attributes.
Assess rubrics in seconds. Student grades are automatically saved in the gradebook and a copy of the scored rubric with your notes is securely displayed to individual learners. Click, click, and you're done. It's really that easy to score a rubric. Assess
Share rubrics with tens of thousands of our other members at our rubric gallery. Find a rubric you like and re-purpose it for your use in a few clicks, bookmark rubrics for future reference, or showcase your rubrics to the world on your free website. Share
Collaboratively assess rubrics with your groups, classes and other individuals. Engage students and peers by building classroom activities, assessing ePortfolios, or use the powerful collaborative assessment tools as surveys and evaluation mechanisms. Collaboratively
Designing Rubrics for Online Classes
Here are three great online resources to assist you in making rubrics for your online class: 1.RubiStar – This is a free online tool which allows you to customize rubrics for any course or assignment. It provides users with a general rubric which can be personalized through its easy-to-use user interface. Users can also select customized rubrics which were created by other instructors.RubiStar
Whom does a rubric assist? It is a feedback system for students to judge a product or performance. It is a feedback tool for teachers to provide clear, focused coaching to the learner. It is a system that promotes consistent and meaningful feedback over time in a building and between buildings. It is a communication tool for parents.
1.Rubrics for Online Course – This website, powered by Northern Arizona University, provides examples of rubrics which are specialized for online courses. These provide a fantastic framework for instructors when they are creating rubrics for their classes.Rubrics for Online Course
Blackboard Rubrics Blackboard Rubrics – This LMS allows instructors to create rubrics inside of the course and directly attach it to any assignment. Instead of attaching a rubric from a different source, such as a PDF, an instructor can fill out the rubric online while he is grading the assignment. The rubric is automatically shown to the student, all within the LMS, so that he knows where to improve. Blackboard also provides instructions and a tutorial explain how rubrics work and how to best use them in the LMS.
Performance Criteria Levels of Performance Descriptors
GUIDELINES Describe each level. Distinguish between the levels for each criterion. Be fair at all times. Make sure that each criteria is measurable and observable. As much as possible, involve the students in choosing criteria. Communicate the rubric to your students and colleagues.
Check your rubric Performance Criteria: What is being evaluated? Are there a manageable number of performance criteria? Are the performance criteria measurable/teachable? Do performance criteria match the objectives? Are the performance criteria clearly stated with a label? How many yes’s?___
Check your rubric Scales and Levels of Proficiency: Degrees of quality Is there an even number of levels to avoid middle scoring? Does the highest level represent exemplary performance? Is each level on the scale meaningful and non-judgmental? How many yes’s?___
Check your rubric Descriptions: What would success look like? Are they written in student language? Clear and understandable? Are they positively stated? Are the differences in descriptions observable? Clearly stated expectations? Is there a progression of differences among the descriptions? How many yes’s?___
Quick Rubric
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