INTRODUCTIONMETHODS CONCLUSION Hamma Maiga, 1 Estrella Lasry, 2 Modibo Diarra, 1 Issaka Sagara, 1 Amadou Bamadio, 1 Aliou Traore, 1 Samba Coumare, 1 Bahonan Soma, 2 Boubou Sangare, 1 Yeyia Dicko, 1 Nouhoum Diallo, 1 Aly Tembely, 1 Djibril Traore, 1 Hamidou Niangaly, 1 Francois Daou, 1 Aboubacrine Haidara, 1 Alassane Dicko, 1 Ogobara Doumbo, 1 and *Abdoulaye Djimde, 1 Sample Size: Overall 620 subjects Data Collection: Demographic data, Tick/thin smear/RTD for malaria diagnosis, filter paper and clinical parameters. Ethical Issues: Approved by Ethics Committee of Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry of Bamako (Mali) Enrollment Criteria: Children aged from 3-59 months, consent/assent from subject/guardian and no previous adverse event to the study drugs. Data entry and analysis: Access 2000 and STATA Study description: The implementation of SMC started in August 2012 in Koutiala, children aged months received 3 cycles of SP+AQ and 4 cycles were given in We conducted two cross-sectional surveys, one before its implementation (August 2012) and a second one two years later (June 2014). DNA was extracted from dried blood spots (DBS) for SMC population and from Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Non-SMC population. Prevalence of SP and AQ molecular markers were measured by PCR. A total of 662 and 670 SMC population and 500 of Non-SMC population were recruited with 191 and 85 DBS plus 310 TDRs were included in the molecular study. RESULTS My acknowledgment the Population of Koutiala & local nursing staff Guide and MRTC Staff. IIDP/Médecin Sans Frontière/MRTC was supported this work. Thanks to EDCTP for travel support. METHODS Study Site: Koutiala located at 420 km from Bamako. Endemic for Malaria during the raining season (70-90%) Study Type and Period: Cross-sectional surveys in 2012 and Study Population: children less than 5 years and control group > 7 years. Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention with Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine and Amodiaquine Selects Pfdhfr-dhps Quintuple Mutant Genotype in Mali Malaria Research and Training Centre, Department of Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, University of Bamako. P.O. Box: 1805, Bamako, Mali (West. Africa) 2 Médecins Sans Frontières France (MSF-F) Bamako, Mali Maiga Hamma, November 7 tth 2016, This work is published in Plos One, 23 September million clinical cases & deaths annually, malaria remains an important health problem. More than 85% malaria cases & 90% deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa. Children < 5 years are the primary population effected. Following WHO policy recommendation in March 2012, countries of West Africa where malaria transmission is seasonal are in the process of scaling-up the seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) strategy using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) plus amodiaquine (AQ). One of the concerns of this targeted mass drug administration is the potential selection of drug-resistant parasites. The objective of the study was to determine the Plasmodium falciparum molecular markers resistance level before and after SMC of sulphadoxine– pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine implementation among children less than 5 years in the district of Koutiala in Mali. SMC increased the prevalence of molecular markers of P. falciparum resistance to SP in the treated children. However, there was no significant increase of these markers of resistance in the general parasite population after 2 years and 7 rounds of SMC. OBJECTIVE Since obtaining my medical degree in 2002 at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, the University of Bamako in Mali, I have gained extensive field and laboratory experience on infectious diseases epidemiology. I have participated as clinical investigator in cohort and case control studies and clinical trials including artemisinin-based combination treatment (ACT), Intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) of children and pregnant mothers and anti-malarial drug resistance. My doctoral thesis entitled Comparison of intermittent preventive treatment with chemoprophylaxis for the prevention helped to change the malaria prevention strategy in pregnant women from Chloroquine (CQ) to Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). The results of our studies have contributed of implementation of the Seasonal Malaria Chemo-preventive (SMC) in Mali. In 2009 I have obtaining my Master degree in public health of University of Bordeaux2, France and MSc in Parasitology and Entomology Medical in 2014 of USTTB, Mali. Now I am PhD PhD Candidate of IIDP fellowship from 2011 to Hamma Maiga MD MPH, MSc, PhD Cand. MRTC/DEAP/FMOS/USTTB, Mali. MALI, Afrique de l’Ouest, BP: 1805, Tel/Fax: (+223) Cell: (+223) , ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Table 1. Demographic, clinical and biology characteristics Table 2. Prevalence of molecular markers of resistance to sulphadoxine, pyrimethamine and amodiaquine at baseline and post intervention in SMC population RESULTS Figure 2. Prevalence of molecular markers of resistance to sulphadoxine, pyrimethamine and amodiaquine at post intervention in SMC population and Non-SMC population Figure 1. Prevalence of molecular markers of resistance to sulphadoxine, pyrimethamine and amodiaquine at baseline in SMC population and Non-SMC population