Prelab (1)
A colloid is a solution that has particles ranging between 1 and 1000 nanometers in diameter, yet are still able to remain evenly distributed throughout the solution. one substance is evenly dispersed in another
The substance's dimensions must be between (1 and 1000 nanometers). If the dimensions are smaller than this the substance is considered a solution and if they are larger then the substance is a suspension.
Easily removed from container. Taste should be acceptable. The sediment produced upon standing should re- dispersed. Upon shaking the particles should be in a suspension form for enough time for taking correct dose. Cake not happen upon standing.
I.They do not dissolve in water. II.Fine III.Heavy not need suspending agent as they are easily diffused throughout the liquid for sufficient time. Examples : Rhubarb powder, Bismuth carbonate, Aromatic chalk powder, light MgCO3.
Agents used to increase the viscosity of the medium.
Means dispersion of particles into vehicle depending on the contact angle. Hydrophilic particles Hydrophobic particles
Magnesium SulphateMagnesium Carbonate Peppermint Water
Grind MgSO 4 in mortar Add MgCO 3 in mortar Add peppermint water dp by dp Transfer suspension to measuring cylinder Complete to 30 ml
Purgative and Antacid in case of Liver Cirrhosis