Strengthening the Tumescent Male Organ Throughout the Day.


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening the Tumescent Male Organ Throughout the Day

It will come as no surprise to read that a tumescent male organ is typically a vital component of sensual activity. Although a couple can have forms of sensual activity (such as oral sensual activity) in which a partner may be sensually satisfied without a tumescent male organ, in most cases that tumescence is desired – by its owner, if not by his partner. Good male organ health routines help to make a tumescent male organ more likely, so gentlemen may wish to consider the following strategies which can be performed throughout the day to keep the male organ healthy and more prone to tumescence.

Start the day right. Men are familiar with “morning wood,” that is waking up with a tumescent male organ. Sometimes, it is an insistently hard tumescence, but in other cases it may be somewhat softer. In the latter case, try to spend a few minutes stroking the manhood into a harder tumescence. (If there’s time, feel free to self-pleasure to release.) Some doctors believe that taking advantage of a semi-tumescence and bringing about a full hardness helps strengthen the member. Have a cup of Joe. Some scientists believe that there are tumescence benefits to caffeine, as it may help manhood arteries to expand so that more blood can flow into the member, thereby strengthening its tumescence. So enjoy that cup of coffee with the knowledge that your member may thank you for it.

Plan your daily diet. Eating right is important for the entire body, and general physical health translates into better male organ health as well. A diet which sees to an individual’s needs through healthy food choices is best. Some scientists also believe that specific flavonoid-rich foods, including apples, pears, berries and oranges, keep the arteries in better shape for blood flow.

Incorporate meditation breaks. Stress is a huge problem for many men, leading to serious issues including high blood pressure and strokes. Stress is also a killjoy when it comes to a tumescent male organ. Men who experience stress – which often occurs during the workday – should find a way to incorporate 2 or 3 breaks of 5 or 10 minutes each into their day for meditation, which is shown to relieve stress. If finding a way to engage in actual meditation is difficult, try to take a nice walk outside in the sunshine or do a few exercises to release tension.

Visit the gym. Keeping the heart healthy keeps the male organ healthy, so getting an appropriate amount of exercise is crucial. Stopping by the gym on the way home from work and getting in some cardio exercises will keep those male organ blood vessels happier and better prepared when a rush of blood is needed. Exercise helps produce nitric oxide, which is useful in artery and vessel expansion.

Kick butts. If a guy smokes, stopping can be one of the most significant things he can do to improve not just his male organ health but his overall health. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, which is exactly the opposite of what a tumescent male organ wants and needs. Quitting smoking can be difficult, but men who do smoke should take the first step on that road today. Brush well. Brushing regularly – at the beginning and end of the day at least – should be part of any dental hygiene routine – as well as of a male organ health routine. Why? Plaque caused by gum disease creates inflammation which damages blood vessel cells, even those as far from the mouth as the manhood. So brush well to keep the manhood well.

Taking steps like these throughout the day can help strengthen the tumescent male organ by improving male organ health. That same health also benefits from the daily use of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Choose a crème with L-arginine, an ingredient which is known to help boost nitric oxide production – which as mentioned earlier is a boon in keeping manhood blood vessels open and expanded. In addition, find a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant which protects member skin from oxidative stress.Man 1 Man Oil