Types of stem StemAerial Erect/upright aerial stem Weak aerial stem Reduced aerial stem Underground Sub-aerial stem
A.Aerial stem (Epiterranean): 1. Erect aerial stem: a. Culm: Node Internode
b. Caudex: Crown of leaves S t e m w i t h s c a r s o f f a l l e n l e a f b a s e s
Caudex of Cycas
c. Pseudostem :
d. Excurrent stem
e. Deliquescent stem:
3. Weak aerial stem: Aerial stem contd….. 2 types A. Twinner A. Climber
weak aerial stem contd…… 2. Climbers: a.Leaf Tendril climbers i. Whole leaf into tendril: Whole leaf as tendril
ii. Leaflet into tendril:
iii. Leaf stipule as tendril (tendrilar stipule) Stipule as tendril Stipule as tendril E.g., Smilax
Examples: Pitcher plants (Nepenthes, Clematis) iv. Leaf petiole as tendril
v. Leaf tip into tendril: E.g., Gloriosa
b. Stem tendril i. Axillary bud into tendril: Climbers contd…. Example: Passiflora (Passion flower) Axillary bud as tendril
iii. Extra axillary bud into tendril: Extra axillary bud as tendril Examples: Cucurbits
iii. Terminal bud as tendril Terminal bud as Tendril
C. Scramblers or ramblers: Examples: Bougainvillea Atrabotrytis
d. Lianas:
Underground stem Types: i.Tuber ii. Rhizome iii. Corm iv. Bulb
i. Tuber
ii. Rhizome
iii. Corm:
Birthday flower (Gladiolus)
Corm of Colchicum autmanle
Disc Fleshy leaves iv. Bulb:
Bulb Fleshy bulb Tunicated bulb Simple T.B Compound T.B
Sub-aerial Modifications of Stem (Prostate weak stem modifications) 1. Trailers or stragglers:
2.Runners: Runner
c. Sucker:
4. Stolons:
5. Offsets: Offset
Aerial (Epiterranean) Modifications of Stems a. Phylloclade: Examples: Muehlenbeckia (Cocoloba) Opuntia Euphorbia royalena.
b. Cladodes: Examples: Asparagus Ruscus
c. Bulbils: Examples: Dioscorea, Agave, Onion
d. Thorns Prickles