I Timothy Chapter 1 Why did Paul write this Epistle? 1.The Ephesian church had become very dysfunctional 2.Paul wrote to encourage Timothy to rebuke: 1.Teachers who were argumentative and arrogant were introducing false doctrines a. They were teaching that salvation was obtained by keeping of the law b. They were arguing over myths, genealogies c. The teaching was dominated by “meaningless talk”, and even though they “confidently affirmed” these doctrines Paul says they simply “don’t know what they are talking about.” I Timothy 1: 3-7; 18-20; I Timothy 4: 1-3 II Timothy 4: 3-4
I Timothy Chapter 1 Revelations: We don’t all see things the same…. There will never be a time that we will all agree on every point. And yet we are told to be one even as the Father and Son are ONE. T he differences come in having different WILLS: In Matthew 26:42 “Jesus prayed, My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may YOUR WILL be done.”
I Timothy Chapter 1 Revelations: Their wills were different, but they were in complete UNITY. God calls us to UNITY not to UNIFOMITY. When we venture from the WORDS of Scripture and give our strongly held opinions and give those opinions the authority of doctrine we are walking on very thin ice. Our CULTURE should not be used to define Scripture, Scripture defines our CULTURE.
Introduction to First Timothy What was the GOAL of this Epistle? 1.I Timothy 1:5, “The GOAL of this command is LOVE, which comes from a PURE HEART, and a GOOD CONSCIENCE, AND A SINCERE FAITH.
I Timothy Chapter 1 Paul wrote Timothy to instruct him on how a New Testament church should conduct itself. He taught about establishing solid church leadership and how combat the invasion of FALSE doctrine in the church.
I Timothy Chapter 1 Correct Doctrine 1.The key concept of I Timothy is Church ORDER 2.The key verses are I Timothy 3: An easy division of the book of I Timothy: a.I Timothy 1-2 (Correct Doctrines) b.I Timothy 3 (Church Leadership) c.I Timothy 4 (Corrupt Doctrine) d.I Timothy 5-6 (Christian Living)
I Timothy Chapter 1 Correct Doctrine Correct Doctrine – I Timothy 1 & 2 1.I Timothy 1:1-2 Timothy had a great spiritual heritage in his mother and grandmother yet Paul considered Timothy his OWN true child in the faith. 2.I Timothy 1:3-20 Paul urged Timothy to fight the GOOD fight for the faith and against false teaching Jude 3-4
I Timothy Chapter 1 Correct Doctrine Correct Doctrine – I Timothy 1 & 2 1.I Timothy 1:1-2 Timothy had a great spiritual heritage in his mother and grandmother yet Paul considered Timothy his OWN true child in the faith. 2.I Timothy 1:3-20 Paul urged Timothy to fight the GOOD fight for the faith and against false teaching Jude 3-4
I Timothy Chapter 1 Correct Doctrine Correct Doctrine – I Timothy 1 & 2 1.I Timothy 1:1-2 Timothy had a great spiritual heritage in his mother and grandmother yet Paul considered Timothy his OWN true child in the faith. 2.I Timothy 1:3-20 Paul urged Timothy to fight the GOOD fight for the faith and against false teaching Jude 3-4
I Timothy Chapter 1 Correct Doctrine