Relax & Feel Better SLEEPING Coimbatore
Why Sleeping Therapy ? Sleep therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a ther apeutic relationship along with Acupressure, Music and Hypnosis to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals which improves sleep patterns by regularizing your Alfa and Beta waves of the brain. Sleep therapy supports in many ar eas such as: overall physical rehabilitation and facilitating movement, increasing peopl e's motivation, improves sleep patterns, providing emotional support for clients and the ir families, and providing an outlet for expression of feelings. Sleep therapy is a creative therapy, consisting of a process in which a therapist uses Music, Acupressure, also HypnoRhythm and all of its facets to improve physical, emoti onal, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual wellbeing of a person. Stress is one thing that no one is immune from as all of us are affected by it in some fo rm or the other. This can lead to many problems with a major one being related to slee ping. If you have ever felt that you are unable to sleep due to stress or other factors, sl eeping therapy is meant for you.
What we do? We use the healing power of Indian classical music to help a patient and it c an be tailored to suit your needs. Using the music, we provide therapy that wi ll ensure that you are able to get some sound sleep. In Chinese medical theory, the five internal organ and meridian systems are b elieved to have corresponding musical tones, which are used to encourage h ealing.
Sleep Therapy is used for many different issues Stress relief to mental, emotional and behavioral problems. Help treat depression and anxiety. Memory loss and Dementia. Improves sleep patterns
Contact Us 356, Diwan Bahadur Rd, Opp. Kennady Theatre, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
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