The Aging Member and “Manopause”: What Every Man Needs to Know.


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Presentation transcript:

The Aging Member and “Manopause”: What Every Man Needs to Know

As a man ages, he becomes more distinguished, right? The silver foxiness in him comes out, he knows what makes a scotch good, and he has perfected his business portfolio. However, with all of those obvious benefits, he can also expect a dip in androgen, which can change the game a bit. It’s usually around the late 40s and early 50s that a man may experience some noticeable changes, and the previously young member morphs into an aging one. The aging member has learned much in life, but now starts the long stroll down low-androgen road. And for some men, that means something like “menopause.”

Is Male Menopause Really a Thing? Male menopause, also known as “manopause,” should actually be called andropause because it’s the hormone androgen that starts to dwindle, similar to the way estrogen does in women. However, women experience this in a very short period of time, kind of like that roller coaster that just drops suddenly. Men, on the other hand, have a slow, ambling decline that will subtly go on the rest of their lives. For the few men who do experience this decline rather quickly, an estimated two percent, they will experience andropause.

What Changes Can an Aging Member Expect? The notable elder statesman can expect some hurdles down low- androgen road, but with creativity and care, many of them can be maneuvered with remarkable grace and style. 1) Fatigue and Weakness – Men with low androgen reported unexplained fatigue and weakness more often than any other symptom. This can be little things like falling asleep while eating ice cream or larger things like no longer sweeping his woman up in his arms to carry her across the threshold of their bedroom for vigorous lovemaking. Which leads to…

2) “Not tonight, I’d like to read my new James Patterson novel” – With age, drive drops. It’s just the facts, Jack. For some men, it’s no biggie. However, for others, or for men in a relationship where it’s negatively impacting them, there are supplements that can help. 3) Loss of Energy – Again, the aging member needs some rest. He’s not retired, but he’s spending more time in his hammock than sinking holes on the golf course. 4) Loss of Muscle Mass – When androgen production declines, men can experience diminishing muscle mass. This also leads them to feel weaker (see #1). Good news is, there’s a multi-billion-dollar fitness industry that can help. To counteract male menopause, add more strength training and protein to a diet to pump up those muscles.

5) Singing the Blues – It’s more than just singing along to a little BB King or Muddy Waters. Depression can be highly influenced by the hormones, so when androgen dips, a man’s mood may as well. If that’s the case, see a doctor or mental health professional for help. 6) Member Dysfunction – This may be the aging member’s worst nightmare – early retirement. Member dysfunction, or MD, is the inability to maintain a firm stance during intimate activities. There are many ways to address MD, from western medication to eastern therapies. See a health practitioner to see which is best for you.

How to Care for the Aging Member As a result of experiencing male menopause, a man may experience a lot of physical, emotional, and sensual changes. Seeing a therapist or a trusted friend to talk is a good way to keep things in line and to guarantee it doesn’t destructively affect self-worth or relationships. Things that help curb the symptoms of menopause include getting adequate, restful sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, participating in stress management techniques, and having a strong support circle. Self-care should be top of mind for men experiencing symptoms of male menopause.

Men with an aging member going through male menopause may want to try a specially formulated member health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to improve member health and function. These specials creams are made expressly for the member and contain vitamins such as A, B, D, and E, which moisturize, strengthen, and stop free radicals that cause early aging. A product that also contains vitamin C should be used, as it as it helps blood flow to the member, creating strong, very distinguished, hardness.Man 1 Man Oil