Diet May Impact an Itchy Male Organ


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Presentation transcript:

Diet May Impact an Itchy Male Organ

“Oh no, not now!” That’s what goes through every man’s mind when an intense itchy male organ attack occurs, as it inevitably does, on a first date or while making an important presentation in front of all the people who make the salary and promotion decisions. An itchy member is an incredibly common male organ health issue, but that doesn’t change the fact that it causes substantial embarrassment when it happens. Since preventing an itchy male organ situation is desirable, there are some things a man can try – such as proper hygiene, wearing clean underwear, etc. – to reduce the chances of its occurrence. Another one of these strategies is to be careful about the diet he consumes.

By diet, we’re not talking about cutting down on food to lose weight; rather, we’re discussing the choice of foods consumed, as it’s possible that some foods may be “triggers” for an itchy male organ. The following list contains some of the foods more commonly associated with itchy skin. It’s by no means comprehensive, and it’s also true that every man’s body is different. What causes one man to scratch like crazy may do absolutely nothing to another man. Still, all things being equal, these are foods to consider limiting if eliminating an itchy male organ is a goal.

Changes to diet to consider Salt. Too much salt can create an itchy male organ situation rather easily. That’s because salt absorbs water, leading to skin dehydration—and dry skin tends to be itchy skin. So, a first rule is for men who heavily salt everything to cut down on their salt. Eggs. Eggs are often associated with skin itches, although exactly why is not clear. Seafood. Many men find that, as delicious as they may be, foods like crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, and squid result in an itchy male organ. This restriction includes dishes in which seafood is only one ingredient of many, such as clam chowder.

Foods with histamines. Histamines help prevent infection, but too many histamines lead to inflammation and itching. Cutting down on foods high in histamines – which includes spinach, eggplant, cheese, tuna, mackerel and red wine – can keep the itch away. Anything that causes an allergic reaction. This may seem like common sense, but many people eat foods they are allergic to—and are surprised when an itchy male organ (or rash or hives) later occurs. So, whether it’s peanuts, tomatoes, strawberries, or wheat, avoid any known or suspected foods that cause allergies.

Okay, so the foods listed above could cause an itchy male organ. Are there any changes to the diet that can help prevent itchy skin problems? Actually, yes. Foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, and E tend to give the body support to keep itchy skin at bay. Most people know that citrus fruits tend to be rich in vitamin C, so eating oranges and grapefruits is good, as is consuming kiwi, cabbage, and broccoli. For vitamin A, men who are not allergic to eggs or milk can get a good amount there, or they can supplement with liver, cantaloupe, or sweet potatoes. Vitamin E is found in nuts, but many people have nut allergies, so they should instead opt for corn, spinach, olives, or wheat germ.

Fighting an itchy male organ through changes in the diet is an excellent step, as is utilizing a top-notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) for the same reason. As luck would have it, the best creams contain the very same vitamins already discussed as being beneficial for preventing an itchy male organ: vitamins A, C, and E. In addition to the above benefits, these vitamins offer other plusses as well. Vitamin A fights persistent male member odor, vitamin C helps give skin its tone and elasticity, and vitamin E is a natural hydrator, keeping manhood skin smooth and moisturized.Man 1 Man Oil