Presentation on Egyptian Cities and Town Presented by : Nabid Nawshad Student ID: Md. Ashraful Islam Student ID: History of Human Settlements
KAHUN Ancient Egyptian Town
KAHUN Largest pyramid town built by Sesostris II. Excavated by british archaeologist Flinders Petrie. Original name Hotep-Sesostris, means “Sesostris is Satisfied”. It is lying in modern Al-Faiyum.
Centered around the massive valley temple. Often been called a mortuary priest’s town or most probably workmen’s town.
Structure The plan is divided into two unequal parts. Measurement of the western quarter 340x1125 feet (8.5 acre). The eastern quarter also walled was nearly three times as large being about 940x1125 feet (24 acre). City walls is about 20 feet tall and 10 feet thick.
Smaller section of Kahun was separated by wall. Eleven parallel streets 13 feet wide run in east-west. The main road is about 26 to 30 feet broad runs east-west with ten large houses. Crisscross street pattern. It housed the builders of the nearby pyramid of king Sesostris II and the priests, soldiers, officials, and other personnel.
Housing The town's plan clearly reveals two social classes living in separate quarters. In the eastern quarter there houses for the working class people. The western quarter contained the houses for the elite class.
All houses followed a basic design pattern. Size of the houses were gradually increased by the social classes of the living people. The largest types of houses found for overseers, including reception rooms, large granaries for food storage. Small house were for the working class people. The typical house had a small entrance room followed by a larger two stored loggia.
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