Soft Haptics Lab, School of Materials Science, JAIST 3/26/ :05 AM Mechatronic Course -Duong, Van Lac Project: Design and control the tele-robot arm using the ROS system
Project Overview Task Assignment I.System Overview II.Kinematic and Simulation III.Mechanical Design IV.Electrical and electronic system V.Sensor and Actuator VI.Control system design VII.Demonstration VIII. Conclusion Content
Specification and feature: 3-freedoms Using a tele manipulator to control Grasper can take a various object size Can control the velocity and position precisely Learning control Using the ROS for monitoring and control Small size with high stability and performance Project Overview
Task Assignment NoContentPossibility 1 System survey and project planningLac 2 Kinematic and SimulationLac 3 Mechanical DesignLac 4 Electrical and electronic systemLac 5 Sensor and ActuatorLac 6 Control system designLac 7 Assembly and calibrate the robotLac 8 Slide preparation and presentationLac
System Overview ItemUnitSpec Axis-3 Joint J1°±90° J2°+112°, -68° J3°+165°, -15° Maxinum speed°/s112.5 Maxinum Payloadg10 Master Manipulator ROS Controller - Control - Monitoring - Kinematic - Learning Control Communication Signal out Signal in
Mechanical Design 3D Model Part list: Part drawing: NoNameMaterialWeightQuantityNote 1Baseplastic10g1Red 2Link1plastic6g1Red 3Link2plastic5g1Red 4Link3plastic6g1Red 5Gripper Baseplastic10g1Red 6Gear1plastic3g1Red 7Gear2plastic3g1Red 8Crankplastic1g2Red 9Fingerplastic1g2Red 10RC Servo-14g4MG90S
Mechanical Design Base Link1 Link2 Link3 Gripper
Mechanical Design Assembly Simulation
Servo MG90S : Sensor and Actuator ModulationAnalog Torque 4.8V: 2.20 kg-cm 6.0V: 2.50 kg-cm Speed 4.8V: 0.11 sec/60° 6.0V: 0.10 sec/60° Weight14.0 g Gear TypeMetal Rotational Range 180° Pulse Cycle20 ms Pulse Width µs Ref: PWM 0.7ms 1.5ms 2.3ms
Servo MG90S : Sensor and Actuator Arduino Code #include Servo myservo; void setup(){ myservo.attach(9); // set the PWM pin } void loop() { myservo.writeMicroseconds(1500); // set to mid-point }
Encoder CP-2HB: Sensor and Actuator Arduino Code Angle Value = map(analogRead(A1),A,B,-90,90); // degree -90 -> 90); ADC output (10 bit) A B
Electrical and electronic system Joint 1 Joint 2Joint 3 Gripper PWM Signal (Pin 8, 9, 10, 11) Servo Power +6V USB ADC Signal (Pin 1, 2, 3) Encoder 2 31 Button 5V GND Pin 7
Real Time Operating System Design: Control system design Motion Control (1000Hz) Acquisition (10Hz) Encoder and Button Robot ROS - Joint Subscriber - Joint Publisher (5HZ) Robot Operating System -Control -Monitoring -Log data Task 1 Task 2 Task °/s Arduino Uno board USB PWM ADC, Digital
Result: Control system design The angle states The effector position
Tele-Control and Visualization The ROS test communication Forward Kinematic: Invert Kinematic Learning Control Demonstration
In this project we had: - Given the robot’s specification and feature - Calculated the Kinematic and made the Simulation - Analyzed the Torque to choose the servo motor - Designed and build the mechanical and electronic system - Programed the Control System on the Arduino board - Programed and communicated to the ROS system -> The system operates stably and effectively Planning for the future improvement: - Building the robot with more freedoms (up to 6 DOF) - Optimize the mechanical design and control algorithm - Construct the interface control is more friendly Conclusion
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