Got Member Pain? Here’s a Guide for When to Call the Doc and When to Just DIY.


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Presentation transcript:

Got Member Pain? Here’s a Guide for When to Call the Doc and When to Just DIY

Member pain may be the worst sort of pain for a man. It can be an aching, throbbing, smelly, hot, angry experience that could have a man baffled as to the cause. Of course, the mind frantically jumps to partner- transmitted infections first, but there are scores of other reasons for member pain. Here are a few that are more common than men think and ways a man can deal with them. Happily, many are easy to fix and allow men to go from having a sore male organ to a happy member quickly.

Member Pain #1: Male Organ Injury Got a lot of ouch in the privates without any rashes or infection? It’s likely the most common cause for pain, a male organ injury. It can happen virtually anywhere at any time. Everything from Saturday morning mud-football, sensual acrobatics, and accidentally walking into an open cabinet door can all lead to a male organ injury. Thankfully, most times it doesn’t require a visit to the doctor. If it persists more than a week, make an appointment. For minor injuries, pain reliever and cool (not cold) compresses are the treatment. Also, give the member some rest and stay away from any activities that could endanger your little friend, including all forms of intimacy and self-pleasure, until he is all good again.

Member Pain #2: Smegma Smelling a bit of funk in the junk? If it smells like sour cheese and sweat, it may be smegma. If there’s a grayish-white, cottage-cheesy discharge, it’s almost certain. Smegma is a naturally made cocktail of fatty acids, sterols, lipids, and dead cells. It also can attract dirt, sweat, and bacteria into the mix. When it overgrows, it brings on an unpleasant odor and a red, angry, sore male organ that spits fire when urinating. Pleasant, right? Mostly a week of cleaning the big guy gently and consistently will dissolve the issue. If it doesn’t clear up after that, head to the doctor’s office.

Member Pain #3: Balanitis If the member appears angry and infected, especially on the head, it may be balanitis. Balanitis is an infection of the foreskin and the head of the male organ. This can also be the “next step” once smegma overgrowth goes into warp speed. Head to the doctor for help. If a man can’t urinate, he needs to go to the ER. The doctor can also check for phimosis and paraphimosis, which are two conditions that affect the foreskin and often have balanitis as a symptom.

Member Pain #4: Peyronie’s Disease The trouble with the curve isn’t just a Clint Eastwood film, it’s a serious problem that can result in a very sore male organ. If the curve is 20 percent or more, it could be Peyronie’s disease, which affects more than 20 percent of men, usually those over the age of 40. Peyronie’s results from a buildup of scar tissue that forms in the male organ after years of use (or misuse). If a man suspects he has Peyronie’s, he should see his primary care doctor or urologist for treatment.

Prevent Member Pain The best way to prevent a sore male organ is to take good care of it on a daily basis. Practicing safe intimacy, knowing when to say when, and using protective gear when necessary are all great steps to prevent member pain. One of the most basic ways to avert male organ pain is to adopt a regular hygiene ritual. It’s as simple as cleansing the member daily (as well as after sweat sessions of every kind) with a gentle cleanser and tepid water. Be sure to wash thoroughly, pulling the foreskin back gently to ensure a truly clean member.

After a good wash, rinse, and dry, use a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to seal in hydration and fortify the skin. Use creams with a variety of natural vitamins and nutrients to guard against bacteria and nerve damage, while building up collagen for skin elasticity and boosting blood for strong firmness.Man 1 Man Oil