Obesity and Intimate Health


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Presentation transcript:

Obesity and Intimate Health

When talking about obesity, experts and armchair experts alike focus on the major diseases brought on by obesity and the surface issues of beauty and belonging. There’s a lot of discussion and information out there about diabetes, heart disease, and other issues related to obesity. But what about intimate health? Shouldn’t that conversation be happening, too? We think so. So, let’s talk about obesity, intimate health, and what people need to know.

Obesity and Intimate Health: What Are the Risk Factors? Many men suffering from obesity may also find themselves dealing with a diagnosed medical male organ dysfunction or a psychological issue with having intimate relations. That’s not to say that all obese men have these problems; however, obesity certainly raises their risk.

Relations Stoppers: Medical Men who have diseases such as high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes often experience issues with intimate health. In fact, men who have diabetes are 50 percent more likely to have member dysfunction (MD) than other men. Obesity contributes to excess narrowing and hardening of the blood flow, which makes it more difficult to swirl around a larger body and down to the member in the vigor that causes the hardness. These diseases all contribute in some way to the prevention of either getting hard or maintaining the firmness. They damage the inner linings of the blood vessels of the member, which then causes a restriction in blood flow due to lack of dilation.

Obesity can also happen as the result of, and also reduce, the amount of androgen in the body (it’s the original double-edged sword here). Androgen starts taking a dip in men between ages 40 and 50. Androgen starts the whole hardness problem off and without it, or with less of it, drive diminishes. Finally, the inevitable cause: age. With age, stamina decreases. The entire body ages, so it’s natural that a man who was used to getting hard four times in one day in his 20s may only have the urge or ability three times a week in his 60s.

Relations Stoppers: Psychological Often overlooked, psychological reasons can cause huge waves in a man’s intimate health. Of course, issues such as depression and anxiety can physically manifest as MD. However, there are much more nefarious effects than MD. An obese man may be able to produce and maintain hardness without trouble, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t having problems. Poor self-image is another reason an obese man may shy away from intimacy with a partner. Potential rejection, fear of another person’s unkind judgment, or a demoralizing sense of self can also lead an obese man to ignore his intimate health.

An Easy Reversal Thankfully, research has shown that 95 percent of male organ dysfunction can be easily treated. First and foremost, a man must address the root cause of his problem, be that medical or mental. After that, he needs to take doctor recommendations and also make lifestyle changes. Things such as adopting a healthy diet, brining more movement into each day, getting adequate sleep, and not smoking are all critical parts of reversing intimate dysfunction. Doctors also say that a weight reduction of as little as ten percent within a two-month period will vastly improve the issue. Mental health interventions such as therapy and medication may also be part of a treatment plan.

While making these changes, give the member a little extra care. Use an expressly formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to strengthen and protect the member. Look for creams that list L-carnitine as an ingredient, as it is a science-backed guardian against peripheral nerve damage. Find a crème with vitamins A and C to ward off bacteria that can result from sweating, and to boost collagen production while fighting against agents of early aging.Man 1 Man Oil