Self-gratification Myths Debunked


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Presentation transcript:

Self-gratification Myths Debunked

Choking the chicken. Waxing the surfboard. Jerkin’ the gherkin. There are a million ways to describe self-gratification and just about as many ways to do it. With an activity so prevalent, it’s odd that there is so much bad information in circulation. Let’s take a minute to talk about nearly every man’s favorite pastime: self-gratification.

What Is Self-gratification? Self-gratification is when a man touches, strokes, and otherwise stimulates his member for pleasure. The hand is not the only thing a man can use for self-pleasure. Many men use a variety of sensual aides for stimulation or things they have made into their own pleasure devices (à la American Pie). Self-gratification can also include more than just the member. Many men also stimulate other erogenous zones such as the nipples, privates, perineum, and back. Usually, self-gratification ends with the release of seed, but it doesn’t need to. Plenty of men enjoy the journey and don’t need the release.

Self-gratification Myth #1: A Man Is a Pervert if He Pleasures Himself Some cultures, societies, and religions demonize self-gratification and believe that if a man pleasures himself, he’s a deviant. However, it’s simply not true. Perversion is described as something that is abnormal and unacceptable. So, if a man pleasuring himself is something that society deems as unacceptable, then he may be perceived as a pervert. But the action of self-pleasure itself is not grounds for calling someone a pervert and, abnormal and unacceptable is a widely subjective designation, anyway.

Self-gratification Myth #2: It Causes Hairy Palms Unless a man is a werewolf and only pleasures himself on the full moon, no, self-gratification does not cause hairy palms. It’s believed that this superstition hails from a book published in 1756 called the Onania. The intent of the book is to frighten people away from self-pleasure and other practices.

Self-gratification Myth #3: A Man Can Lose His Virginity by Pleasuring Himself Nope. Virginity is not a self-serve sorta thing. Virginity is more a societal ideal than a physical act. It does not require someone of an opposing gender and for women does not require the breaking of the hymen (which often happens well before the act ever happens). Think of self- gratification as more ritual than biological.

Self-gratification Myth #4: Self-gratification Causes Health Problems Actually, self-gratification can help a man’s health. It is a gateway to intimate health by helping men understand what they like and what they are comfortable with. Self-gratification is a free way to reduce stress and create a happier headspace. It also helps sleep quality and athletic (and sensual) performance. Believe it or not, studies have shown that regular self-gratification with release is linked to a reduction in the possibility of prostate cancer. A 2016 study showed that men who released 21 times or more each month had a 20-percent decrease in the likelihood of prostate cancer. The only caveats to this are for men who wax the banana when hands are dirty or infected. Also, be sure to do a proper skin test prior to using any lubricant.

Self-gratification Managed Now, although self-gratification is a healthy, normal activity, it does make sense to take a moment and talk about proper member care because it’s a delicate appendage, after all. First, be sure to give the member enough rest between sessions. Just like any other muscle, it needs a little recovery time. Also, be mindful of how tight the grip is because a too- tight death grip can cause friction burn and make the member less sensitive in both the short and long run. Second, be sure to wash that mighty member often and after every self- love sesh. Use tepid water and a gentle cleanser like baby wash to gently and meticulously wash the member, being sure to suds up all the privates and retract the foreskin for a soft, squeaky clean. Also, rinse well and either air or towel dry with soft pats as opposed to rubbing the towel across the frisky fella.

Lastly, reward him with an indulgent, specially formulated member health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to nourish and rejuvenate the member. Creams with a natural base like shea butter or vitamin E that include other vitamins that promote manhood wellness, like A, C, and D, are essential for providing the member with vital nutrients and moisture for optimal member health. Look for creams that also have L-carnitine, a science-backed protector against peripheral nerve damage. A little love now will result in some good self-love later!Man 1 Man Oil