AGENTUR FÜR INTERNATIONALE BILDUNGSANGELEGENHEITEN FÜRSTENTUM LIECHTENSTEIN Donor Program Partner, Principality of Liechtenstein Launch Conference, 26 April 2013, Latvia
Agenda -Some figures about Liechtenstein -School System -Institutions EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
Liechtenstein in figures -Liechtenstein is the fourth smallest country in Europe. The area of Liechtenstein is 160 square kilometres. The total length of the country is 24.5 kilometres. Latvia is 403 times bigger than Liechtenstein. -Liechtenstein has inhabitants and working places. Every day commuters come to Liechtenstein for work. Liechtenstein has no airport and no train station. EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
-Liechtenstein is a constitutional hereditary monarchy. The Reigning Prince, Hans-Adam II, is the Head of State and represents the country vis-à-vis other states and rules the country in balance with the people. EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
-Football fans might know that Liechtenstein played 6 times against Latvia of which Latvia won 4 times. Latvia and Liechtenstein are in the same Group for the qualification to the World Championship in Brasil. EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
School System -The educational system of Liechtenstein is influenced by the school system of the German speaking countries. -Students undergo nine years of compulsory schooling at the five grade primary school, followed by the secondary schools. The four year secondary schools are divided into three tracks: Oberschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
Specialized fields – Dual VET- System -Vocational training in Liechtenstein follows a dual system, with practical training in an apprenticeship and accompanying theoretical education in the vocational school. -VET programmes closely match the needs of the labour market, both in terms of occupational skills and the number of available jobs. The close correlation with the labour market explains why Liechtenstein has one of the lowest youth unemployment rates among European countries (3,4%). EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
-Three- or Four-year programs provide learners with the skills needed to carry out a specific occupation and gain access to tertiary- level B professional education and training, called PET. -PET programs combine solid practical skills with established theoretical expertise. They also prepare learners for managerial and/or specialized positions. EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia
Institution -Liechtenstein University specializes in architecture and, in the fields of business, in entrepreneurship, financial services and business information systems. Far more than half of the students at the Liechtenstein University are from abroad, especially Switzerland and Austria. EEA Grants, Scholarship Program, Launch Conference Riga, Latvia