When it comes to the notoriously popular Japanese dessert Mochi, its cutesy- squishy texture and sweet flavour has always been a hit among the people.
It is prepared out of rice with various kinds of mouth-watering and heart- warming fillings of red and green bean paste. Off late, with western influence, this piece of delectable is creatively stuffed with chocolate, jam and custard as well.
Some simple steps and you will be done 1.Mix a cup full of Mochi flour with ¾ cup of water. 2.Steam the dough for 20 minutes. 3.Add 2 cups of sugar and cook the steamed dough over medium flame until all the sugar dissolves. 4.Allow the hot Mochi to cool down and then dust with cornstarch
Once the original, flavourless Mochi is ready, you can let your imagination flow while creating the filling and the shapes. In case you crave for Mochi Ice Cream, prepare the filling accordingly with your favourite flavour.
Cafe Locations Downtown: The Annex 408 Bloor St. W, Toronto, ON M5S 2N5 Phone: