Click the slide in presentation view to start the timer 0:04 0:05 0:06 0:03 0:02 5:00 0:00 0:01 0:07 0:08 3:00 4:00 5:00 1:00 2:00 0:09 0:10 0:30 ACTIVITY Click the slide in presentation view to start the timer SLIDE TITLE: Welcome slide INSTRUCTIONS: Divide participants into small groups and have them gather around work stations. There should be markers and large sheets of paper at each station for groups to write down their thoughts and share the many ways harassment and sexual harassment can be present in the workplace. Once everyone in the group has had a chance to contribute, have groups rotate stations and observe what other groups wrote down. The objective of this activity is for participants to understand what harassment and sexual harassment looks like from different perspectives. SCRIPT: We’re going to start with an activity. So, get into groups of 3-5, pick up a marker and draw a line down the middle of the sheet. At the top-left write ‘Harassment’ at the top-right write ‘Sexual Harassment’. Then write down ways a person can be harassed or sexually harassed. It can be just one word or it can be a couple of words. There are no right answers here. (wait for a few minutes until people are done) Now that you’ve written down a few ideas, leave your desk and walk around to the other groups and look at what they had written. On another group’s paper, put a star next to any words or phrases that you had also written down on your own paper. (have everyone place their papers on the wall around the room) Take a look at each of these papers, do any words really resonate with you? Some of us here may have been harassed in our lifetime and it’s important to understand that harassment and sexual harassment are very common. Our job here today is to identify harassment and prevent it from happening. DOCUMENT: n/a DOCUMENT CONTENT: 1