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Presentation transcript:


Buddhism 4th largest religion in the world Estimated 350-500 million followers

Buddhism Originated in the 6th Century BCE Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Born in Nepal to the King of a small city-state Buddha means “The Enlightened One”

Legend says… If Siddharta Guatama stayed home he would be a great king, if he left he would be a great spiritual leader. At Age 29 he left the kingdom four times and he reported the “Four Sights”

The “Four Sights” 1st – An Old Man 2nd – A sick man 3rd – A dead man He was having an experience of Dukkha, a sense of limitation or frustration. This is the fundamental starting point of the Buddhist path. 4th – A holy man He will spend his life searching for religious truth and an end to suffering

Buddha He rejected the privileges of the Brahmin and the Caste System He searched for enlightenment = wisdom Final goal is Nirvana – the release from selfishness and pain

Take refuge in the “Three Jewels” 1. Buddha – spiritual potential within everyone 2. Dharma – teachings of Buddha 3. Sangha – the religious community

Four Noble Truths 1. Life means suffering. 2. The origin of suffering is desires for pleasure 3. End all desires to end suffering. 4. Follow the 8-fold path to end all desires and suffering. *Suffering = Dukkha

Eightfold Path