a permanent solution to a temporary problem SUICIDE a permanent solution to a temporary problem
SUICIDE: the act of intentionally taking one’s own life among the top 3 annual causes of death for young adults 15-24 Women attempt it more often than men, but men complete it far more frequently. Why? Men tend to use more lethal methods than women do.
RISK FACTORS depression or other mental disorders family history of emotional/mental disorders history of physical or sexual abuse history of previous suicide attempts abusing alcohol or drugs; over 50% of people who attempt suicide have them in their systems at the time of their attempt
OTHER WARNING SIGNS directly or indirectly talking or writing about death giving away possessions withdrawal from family, friends, & activities dramatic change in personality; appearance; eating, sleep, work/school habits reckless or self-destructive behavior (not wearing seatbelt, driving fast, sexual promiscuity) appearing depressed/sad most of the time for 2+ weeks
PREVENTING SUICIDE Do not dismiss talk of suicide as merely a way to “get attention.” Initiate meaningful conversation; ask, “Are you thinking of killing yourself?” show support try to persuade the person to seek help; do so on his/her behalf if he/she is reluctant or refuses List two people to whom you could talk if you were worried about a friend’s depression. List two people in whom you could confide if you were feeling depressed or suicidal.
CLUSTER SUICIDES series of suicides occurring within a short period of time & involving several people in the same school or community causes: 1. “survivor’s guilt” 2. media often glamorizes suicide 3. Knowing others who commit suicide makes it more acceptable or viable.