Can you make a perfect square? Concept: Perfect Squares– 6th /7th grade preview Bellringer 4.17 Can you make a perfect square?
Concept Pythagorean Theorem – 6th /7th grade preview
Concept Pythagorean Theorem – 6th /7th grade preview Find the missing side lengths
Concept Pythagorean Theorem – 6th /7th grade preview Find the missing side lengths
Concept Pythagorean Theorem – 6th /7th grade preview Is this a right triangle?
Concept Pythagorean Theorem – 6th /7th grade preview Find the missing side lengths Stand up Roll it- roll it- dab 3 claps & a snap Head down
Please read the instructions at each station before asking questions Geometry Station 1: Angle Calculation Dominoes Geometry Station 2: Angle Flash Cards Number System Station 3: Integers Geometry Station 4: The House That Pythagoras Built Number System Station 5: Fraction Puzzle - all adjacent sides must equal Algebra Station 6: Equation Puzzle- all adjacent sides must equal Time Limit: 30 minutes