Welcome to Mrs. Callaway’s 1st Grade We are going to have a great time learning this year!
Curriculum Reading: Good Habits, Great Readers is the program we will use. Teachers use a Reader’s Workshop model which will consist of: whole group time, small group time, and independent time/conferring. Reading skills/strategies we will work on include: recognizing characters, recognizing the setting, discussing our schema, recognizing the main idea, understanding realism vs. fantasy, sequencing, making predictions, recognizing the author’s purpose, drawing conclusions, compare vs. contrast, plot vs. theme, questioning, determining importance, short & long vowel sounds, blends, contractions, compound words, prefixes & suffixes Math: Envisions is the program we will use. We use a math workshop model similar to the Reader’s workshop model which will consist of: whole group time, small group time, and independent time/conferring. Math skills/strategies we will work on include: addition and subtraction equations, 2 digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, problem solving, recognizing numbers to 120, place value, data & graphs, measurement, time, and geometry Writing: We will use a Writer’s Workshop model during our writing time. It will consist of whole group time, independent time & conferring, and share time. Writing skills we will work on include: parts of speech in writing, creating strong sentences, punctuation, word spacing, using resources, and learning about the traits of writing through different genres of writing. Science/Social Studies: - Some concepts that your child will learn about this year in science include: weather, matter & energy, living organisms, the solar system, rocks and soil, force and motion, and plants -Some concepts that your child will learn about this year in social studies include: government and citizenship, map skills, timelines, economics, and important people in history
All About Mrs. Callaway Education: Family: Bachelor of Science in Education from Missouri Western State University Masters of Arts in Education from Baker University Family: Married, two daughters We live on a farm, in the country I enjoy outdoor activities such as: gardening & farming, playing outdoor games, riding 4- wheelers, and fishing Both sides of my family have lived in Platte County for decades Contact Information (please contact me with any questions or concerns) Email: callawas@platteco.k12.mo.us Phone: (816)858-0172, ext. 4056 The best time to reach me is from 1:00- 1:50 daily
Communication Take Home Folder Weekly classroom newsletter Students will bring their “take home folder” back and forth between home and school every day. One pocket in the folder will be labeled “take home”, and one pocket will be labeled “bring back”. Please sign it each night. This is our daily communication between home and school. Please do not go three consecutive days without signing the take home folder sheet, or an “off task” warning will be issued. Students will have a reading log in their “take home folder” to log minutes read each night. Please do not go three consecutive days without reading, or an “off task” warning will be issued. Make sure to include your parent signature each night. I will not be able to count the minutes read each night, if a parent signature is not included. Weekly classroom newsletter The Friday Report (newsletter) will be sent home every Friday. Please sign it, and return it on Monday. I will stamp it on Monday near your signature, and your child will earn a sticker for his/her responsibility chart. It will be returned to you after stamping to help you keep track of specific information. The Friday Report (newsletter) will include information pertaining to what we are learning about in the classroom, as well as any upcoming events, and reminders. I will also individualize each Friday Report to rate your child’s behavior for the week, and inform you of your child’s work habits for the week. Transportation Changes If your child has any changes in transportation please contact the office.
Homework Expectations Complete the reading log in the take home folder by logging the minutes read each night. A parent signature is required before I can count the minutes. I understand that life gets busy, so if you miss a night now and then, “That’s okay.” However, please do not go three consecutive days without reading as this will result in a warning mark on our behavior chart. An AR book on your child’s reading level will be sent home each week. Please log the minutes read in the take home folder, and upon completion return it to school so your child can take a quiz. If your child finishes his/her book, brings it back to school, takes the AR quiz, and is ready for a new book this is fine too. There is not a limit to one book per week, this is a minimum requirement. A homework page is assigned on Monday and due Friday. It will help build your child’s first grade skills. Feel free to assist your child as needed. Any homework that is not completed by Friday morning will result in a fine. This homework does include reading at least one AR book per week, and taking the quiz. * Any work not completed in class, when time has been allowed for completion, will become homework.
Grading Our district uses a 4,3,2,1 grading system. A simple way to think of the grading system, is to compare it to riding a bike. 4 = student meets the expected standards Example: I can ride trails, and race on my bike without falling off. 3 = student can meet the standard at a lower level Example: I can ride down a trail, but I fall sometimes. 2 = student needs help to meet the standard Example: I can ride my bike with training wheels. 1 = student has no understanding of the standard Example: I have a bike, but I am unable to ride it. It is common for students to begin the year with 3s, 2s, and maybe even some 1s. Our goal is to be at a level 4 by the end of the year. We will use data notebooks to record progress with: math fact fluency, sight word recognition, reading level, etc. Goal setting will be an important aspect in the data notebook. These data notebooks help students take ownership in his/her learning, and help students understand the importance of goal setting throughout his/her lifetime.
Classroom Expectations Students are recognized for positive behavior by receiving “play” money. Students earn $1.00 each day that they do not receive a “fine” or “clip down”. Students will have the opportunity to redeem their money for small rewards, or save their money for larger rewards. Students will have the opportunity to earn “bonuses” when improvements are made regarding their behavior throughout the day, and by exhibiting excellent leadership qualities throughout the day. In the event of a behavior issue, students will pay a fine and receive consequences as follows: 1 fine (two warning marks on our behavior chart) = note in take home folder explaining the behavior, student owes $1.00 2 fines (four warning marks on our behavior chart) = note in take home folder explaining the behavior, think sheet, safe seat or “buddy room”, student owes $2.00 6 fines (six warning marks on our behavior chart) = note in take home folder explaining the behavior, think sheet, safe seat or “buddy room”, office referral, and parent contact. Student owes $3.00 * Certain situations will require immediate office referral. We strive to provide a safe, caring environment for all students.
AR Reading Information Accelerated Reader (AR) A computer program that monitors a student’s reading practice comprehension. Students read a book on their reading level and take a short comprehension quiz on the computer. Students will monitor their comprehension percentages and points accumulated in their data notebooks. Students will have quarterly AR goals set based on his/her individual reading level. I also have an Accelerated Reader Store that I will open about every two weeks as students accumulate points. Students will be able to shop at the store as points are accumulated through successful test taking on the AR computer program. The Accelerated Reader Program helps students set and monitor reading goals/progress with differentiation based on reading levels.
Thank you! It’s going to be a great year!