Improved Outcomes For All Children Progress Monitoring Universal Screening Research-Based Core Curriculum Improved Outcomes For All Children Student Support Teams Fidelity and Integrity of Instruction and Intervention Tiered Levels of Intervention Scientific Research- Based Interventions Data-Based Decision- Making
The Student Support Team is staffed by key personnel and utilizes an efficient problem solving model to address student needs. STUDENT SUPPORT TEAMS
“Do you ever get this feeling we are just going in circles?”
Your School’s SST The Backbone of RtI Does your student support team function in a way that can support a response to intervention model?
RtI Critical Feature: The Student Support Team is staffed by key personnel and utilizes an efficient problem solving model to address student needs.
Goals and Roles of the SST Creates an environment for teachers, parents, and other professionals to collaborate and problem solve together Works to support teachers by making evidenced-based recommendations Is a venue for administrative leadership Willingness to improve or expand its practices
Goals and Roles of the SST Work efficiently, become more focused Help classroom teachers make data-based decisions Increase exposure to research-based interventions, what is working and what is not
Goals and Roles of the SST Create an inventory of effective interventions, strategies, and supports Engage in a systematic, effective, and efficient problem solving On going monitoring of student progress
Goals and Roles of the SST Interventions are designed collaboratively by teacher teams which includes general educators, reading specialists, school counselors, school psychologist, behavior specialist, resource teachers, and parents Encourages parental participation throughout the process
Goals and Roles of the SST Monitor the overall academic health of the school Make recommendations for systems change as necessary Guarantees high quality classroom instruction
Problem Solving Models Standard Protocol & Problem Solving Models
Standard Protocol Approach Standard Protocols/Targeted Interventions as part of the problem solving process Very specific curricular and instructional approaches Have a history or research base in efficacy Facilities efficiency
Standard Protocol/Targeted Interventions Identify the problem/area of concern Identify an evidence based practice/intervention that is suited to the situation and problem Implement the practice/intervention Monitor the student’s progress and respond accordingly
P Problem Solving Model
Problem Solving Approach Problem statement Hypothesis generation Hypothesis testing Checking
1) Define the Problem Define clearly and specifically Identify current status Identified desired outcome
2) Analyze the Problem Why do we think the student is not performing What are the instructionally relevant and changeable variables? What are critical skill deficits underlying the identified problem? Develop a plausible hypothesis
3) Develop a Plan What specific curriculum and instructional recommendations, linked to the hypothesis, might directly remediate the problem? Plan is measurable, has meaningful goals Plan identifies who will do what, when, and how
3) Develop a Plan Plan contains method for monitoring effectiveness Plan contains all specific forms, materials, personnel support necessary to implement the plan The plan fits the resources, values, and skills of the professionals in the setting.
4) Evaluate the Plan Decisions are based on reliable data Progress is monitored frequently and repeatedly Trends in student performance guide team decisions re: effectiveness of intervention Ineffective interventions are changed in a timely manner Plans are modified to accommodate emerging needs
Outcomes of an Effective Problem Solving Model Referral rates decline Quality of interventions improve Academic outcomes improve Parent satisfaction improves
Self-Examination of Our EST Functioning We have a comprehensive inventory of resources available to out SST The available resources meet the needs of our students and SST Do we have the right people in attendance We place student achievement as our greatest priority and program for professional development Our families are involved at the earliest possible opportunity
Self-Assessment: Student Services Team
The State of SST at Your School What’s working? What’s not working? What needs to happen differently?
Developing an Action Plan Person(s) Responsible Time frame Resources needed
Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Using this PowerPoint break timer This PowerPoint slide uses images, custom animation, and timing to provide a countdown timer that you can use in any presentation. When you open the template, you’ll notice that the timer is set at 00:00. However, when you start the slide show, the timer will start at the correct time and count down by 1-minute intervals until it gets to 1 minute. At that point, it will count down in two 30-seconds intervals to 00:00. To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the timer. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the timer. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the timer presentation, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the timer slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.