Song & Praise Evening THEME: PEACE


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Presentation transcript:

Song & Praise Evening THEME: PEACE

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Colossians 3:15

PEACE The Peace of God Peace in Daily Life Peace in Creation Peace in Prayer Peace in the Future There will be a combination of hymns and Scripture readings. There will also be some thoughts that we have found to be helpful on this subject by Brother Dennis Gillett in some of his writings.

PEACE - Opening Opening Thoughts, Stress “He Healeth All Thy Diseases”, Brother Dennis Gillett Opening Hymn 135 (please stand) ”Dear Lord and Maker of mankind" Opening Prayer After reading book... How do we find peace in our lives amidst that frenzied pace of our lives? Let us take a few minutes this evening to be still; to lift our mind on Higher things. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

1. The Peace of God The Peace of God, “The Genius of Discipleship”, Brother Dennis Gillett Scripture Reading: Colossian 3:12-17 Hymn 136 (remain seated) “Father hear the prayer we offer”

2. Peace in Daily Life Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:6-13 Peace in Action, “The Genius of Discipleship”, Brother Dennis Gillett Hymn 325 (please stand) “Come To Me”

3. Peace in Creation Poem “The Creator”, Sister Marguerite Curry Scripture Reading: Psalm 8 Hymn 110 “O Lord my God” (please remain seated) How can we find moments of peace in our daily life? One way is to make the time to immerse ourselves in the beauty of God’s creation, and meditate on His power and greatness; listen to the song of the birds. The Father has made us with the same care and attention that He gave to the rest of His creation, and He cares for us. We can find peace and tranquility in these thoughts. The relationship between the Creator and His creation is something profound to ponder.

4. Peace in Prayer Poem “Prayer”, Sister Marguerite Curry Meditational Hymn, please listen “I Ascend Into The Mountain” Moment for Prayer & Reflection Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:6-13 Song, “Run To The Lord And Live” Sister Sharon Carroll (please stand, words displayed on screen) Another way for us to find peace in our daily life is by taking the time to commune with the Father in prayer. Prayer is an important component of godly faith – a vital step in the search for peace. In praying to God we are acknowledging His power and direction in our lives, even at times when things feel beyond our control. As we have read earlier in Colossians, one aspect of prayer that brings us peace is a spirit of thankfulness. It helps us to recognize that we have so much, even the little things in life, which we may often forget to thank God for. It takes our attention off of our problems and helps us instead to reflect on and remember, the goodness of the Father’s many blessings. Another aspect of prayer that brings peace is the the gift of forgiveness, through the sacrifice of our Lord. What a tremendous gift from our Father that we must thank Him for each day.

Meditational Hymn: I Ascend Into The Mountain (Music Brother Dan Osborn, Lyrics Sister Sarah Osborn) I ascend into the mountain, Tho’ my feet are on the ground, To lift my mind on higher things, Where heav’nly thoughts abound. and I leave behind the earth. My idols left behind me, Seeking spiritual rebirth.

I ascend into the mountain, For to seek the Lord in prayer I ascend into the mountain, For to seek the Lord in prayer. To ask for strength to face my trials, To cast on Him my care. Tho’ the climb is hard and long. For there I hear the Master’s words, That teach me to be strong.

I ascend into the mountain, For to see the glorious view, Of that vision set before my eyes When all things are made new. In the high and lofty place, Where hands are clean and hearts are pure, And the finish of my race. The finish of my race.

Picture of mountain Moment of reflection after I Ascend into the mountain Then back to #4 outline slide

Run To The Lord And Live (Sister Sharon Carroll) All ye that thirst come to the source of living waters; Forsake ungodliness and follow what is good. For in God’s mercy He has offered us the greatest blessing, Everlasting life to you He’ll give So run to Him and live

CHORUS: Seek ye the Lord, while He is found Call Him while He is near; With all your heart, return to Him Yahweh abundantly forgives.  

Incline your ear and hear the Holy One of Israel, Come unto Him delighting in His Words of truth And God will make with you a covenant like faithful David Everlasting life to you he’ll give So run to Him and live.

CHORUS: Seek ye the Lord, while He is found Call Him while He is near; With all your heart, return to Him Yahweh abundantly forgives.  

Praise to the LORD who is our strength and our salvation, Proclaim to all the world The wonders He has done; For by God’s gracious love He’s Promised us the surest blessing, Everlasting life for us He’s won Through David’s greater son

CHORUS: (2x) Seek ye the Lord, while He is found Call Him while He is near; With all your heart, return to Him Yahweh abundantly forgives Run to the Lord and live

5. Peace in The Future Peace Ruling In The Heart, “The Genius of Discipleship”, Brother Dennis Gillett Hymn 266 (please be seated) “Lord we wait the time of blessing” Scripture Reading, Psalm 122 Closing Hymn 61 (please stand) ”Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” Closing Prayer Closing Voluntary, ”The LORD bless thee”