Let’s Review Mitosis and the Cell Cycle with the Amoeba Sisters!!!
Damage to the cell phone, as an analogy Normal cell DNA acquiring mutations over time Cancer
A cell phone breaks, after being dropped 5 times. Was the last drop the one responsible for breaking the phone? Is it possible that each drop caused some damage to the phone? Was the amount of damage to the phone after each drop random, or predictable?
What 3 things control cell growth? Human embryos have webbed fingers but the cells undergo apoptosis during later stages of development and as a result the baby is born with unwebbed fingers and toes. External factors that include physical and chemical signals. Growth factors (proteins) that stimulate cell division. APOPTOSIS programmed cell death caused by a cell’s production of self- destructive enzymes webbed fingers LYSOSOMES What is the cell organelle that gets rid of the dead cells in between those Fingers and toes after apoptosis?
When the cell growth goes out of control 1 of 2 things will happen… A mutation in the genes that control the regulatory proteins that dictate cell division occurs causing the cell to grow out of control potentially resulting in cancer. -Or- A mutation in a random gene occurs and cell growth is not effected—(no formation of tumors/happens often in the body)
Question: What is the difference between normal cells and cancer cells? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEpTTolebqo&safety_mode=true&persist_safet y_mode=1&safe=active Video Normal Cells Cancer Cells In a healthy body, cells grow, die, and are replaced in a controlled way. Damage or change in the genetic material of a cell, due to internal or environmental changes, results in cells that don’t die, forming tumors.
What is cancer? Cancer cells form disorganized clumps called tumors. Benign tumors can be removed don’t spread Malignant tumors metastasize, or break away, and can form more tumors. (what root do we recognize?) cancer cell bloodstream normal cell
What causes cancer? Anything that causes a mutation in the area of DNA that codes for cell cycle regulation. These can be internal or external factors Ex: internal= heredity, external= Carcinogen A Carcinogen is a substance that is known to cause cancer. Carcinogen examples: Radiation, UV light, tobacco smoke, air pollutants, viruses such as HPV
Examples of what can cause mutations Other types of radiation (x-rays, gamma rays) UV radiation Viruses (HPV, Hepatitis B, Hepatatis C) Tobacco smoke Radon
Normal Cell Growth Cells carry out normal functions. Cell cycle is regulated. Cells will form one even level of growth.
Cancer Cell Growth Cancer cells do not carry out normal functions. Cell cycle is unregulated. Cells do not die and can spread to the rest of the body.
A mutation results when an error is made while repairing DNA damage DNA before damage DNA with damage http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/dna-replication-and-causes-of-mutation-409 OR Repair without mutation Repair with mutation
Affects a random gene and cell growth is not affected. Normal Cell Mutation Affects genes that control regulatory proteins. Cell grows out of control. Affects a random gene and cell growth is not affected. Malignant Tumor that can spread and cause more tumors, potentially causing death. Benign Tumor that can be removed. Amoeba Sisters Explain Cancer!!!
RAFT: Cancer Diagnosis Role: Oncologist (cancer doctor) Audience: Patient Form: Explanation Dialogue Topic: You have the task of explaining to the patient that they have cancer. Your explanation must include: A.) How a mutation in one of the regulatory proteins caused their malignant cancer B.) How their cancer is different from normal cells.