HEATHFIELD SCHOOLS’ PARTNERSHIP PTA NEWSLETTER July 2018 Round-up It is has been a busy year for the PTA, our newly appointed Chair: Stacey kicked off her new role by organising the Summer Fair alongside Hayley and the rest of the PTA and not forgetting the fantastic Heathfield staff. It was also Jack’s first week at Heathfield as Premises Manager and he was so important to the running of the event! The Summer Fair is our biggest event of the year and this year we raised over £3000 for the PTA fund. Alongside the fair we have sold Mother’s day Flowers, ice creams every Friday, held our first bingo family night, a very successful comedy night, organised Christmas and a Year 6 end of year disco and so much more. BINGO Our very own Mrs Proctor-Lane hosted an amazing after school bingo event which proved to be hugely popular with everyone. We sold over 100 tickets and had some fantastic prizes. 1 little duck!!!This will return in September! COMEDY NIGHT A brilliantly organised evening of comedy organised by Mrs Fisher and Mrs Adams in the Infants. A Friday night to be repeated in the near future. £920 raised SUMMER FAIR A huge amount of time and effort goes into making our summer fair a success. This is our 4th fair since a new PTA reformed. We couldn’t run this event without the school staff and volunteers. Our raffle this year was supported by lots of local businesses and they were very generous with their prizes. There was entertainment from the school choir, The Old Boys Band, Rock Steady and Year 2 Maypole dancing. We were also supported by local stalls selling a range of gifts and items. Lastly, not forgetting the local fire brigade, who gave their time. £100 raised £3000 raised
HEATHFIELD SCHOOLS’ PARTNERSHIP PTA NEWSLETTER July 2018 EVENT PARKING This has been a huge success over the last year and is an excellent way of raising a substantial amount of money for the PTA fund. We desperately need more volunteers to help going forward: an hour of your time to raise money for the school and it’s great fun. Where else could you meet a bus load of minions?? Last weekend we parked over 200 cars for both the Saturday and Sunday night concerts. The car park was manned between 1pm-Midnight, turns being rotated between staff, PTA and parents. More help needed. £4000 raised PTA FUND Year 6 end of year disco’s Junior Ducklings and Bees trip This year, we have contributed to the following … Art week £3000 donated This year we are donating a substantial amount of money to the playground fund: which is an on-going project starting next year over all the Federation. New reading scheme that will widen reading capabilities in all children from an early age into KS1 then eventually into KS2 to benefit whole school learning Rugby tops, Year 6 production tops, sports tops Facebook We have a Facebook page to keep parents informed of all the PTA activities. It’s a great and simple way for us to share information, post events and publicise what we are doing. We would love you to ‘Like’ us! https://www.facebook.com/HeathfieldSchoolsPTA/ NEXT PTA MEETING As a parent/carer at Heathfield you are automatically part of the PTA. We would really like more parents to get involved no matter how big or small. If you are interested please email hsfpta@gmail.com SEPT TBC