Why did it take so long? Abolition? Prohibition? Progressivism? 40 to pass amendment
Women’s Suffrage
Previous Connections…
Opposition—the “antis” “We believe in every possible advancement to women. We believe that this advancement should be along those legitimate lines of work and endeavor for which she is best fitted and for which she has now unlimited opportunities. We believe this advancement will be better achieved through strictly non-partisan effort and without the limitations of the ballot. We believe in Progress, not in Politics for women”
Names… Early feminists— Suffragists Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony Suffragists Lucy Burns Alice Paul
National Women’s Party & The Night of Terror Strategic shift—federal level—picketing Picketing was fairly new—unheard of by women Considered ‘unpatriotic’ or traitors during WWI Police intervention and & jail sentences for 6 weeks ‘Workhouse for Women’ Dorothy Day (73 years old) William Whittaker Very little legal representation Alice Paul= 7 month sentence “political prisoners” Hunger strike
Shift in public opinion “we were put out of jail the same way we were put in—at the whim of the government” All arrests and jailings were deemed illegal
Document Analysis Sojourner Truth—”Aint I a Woman” New Yorkers Ridicule Feminists Lucy Stone Protests Traditional Marriage Margaret Sanger ERA Debate
ERA Debate
What would Lucy Burns and Alice Paul say about ‘the flapper’ persona?
Synthesis? Economist Article Military Paternity leave